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My heart shattered watching my baby limp out of that building with a bag full of her belongings. Her left eye had a visible cut above it and she looked extremely agitated. I removed myself from the car, with the help of Lauren of course and caught up to Beyoncé before she could make it to the car.

"Baby." I broke down rubbing over her face, her eyes were dark she had been doing some thinking.

"I'm fine Nika, get in the car. I want to go home." She mumbled lowly placing her hand on the small of my back.

Lauren and I caught eyes concerned about her actions, she led the way back to the car with us trailing close behind her. The ride back home was peaceful, my baby laid on my chest and was out like a light. I couldn't help but to cry looking at the visible bruises all over her face and neck, she had one long scratch that just made my blood boil.

"I love you so much, we missed you daddy." I whispered in ear earning a slight smile from her in her sleep.

They were forced to release her after three days because they didn't have enough evidence to take her to trial and on top of that they found other evidence in my home yesterday which is why she's being released today. The detectives had already gotten the paperwork situated for whoever "confessed" whatever bullshit they concocted to get my baby locked up to cover up what they did to my brother.

Bey was on that paperwork like white on rice as soon as she got her hands on it. When we got to our temporary hotel for the night she showered and got dressed immediately trying to leave the room but both the baby and I disagreed .

"No please baby." I begged tears brimmed my eyes because I know she was up to no good and it scared me.

She sighed pecking my forehead followed by Blue's who was tucked by side asleep and next pecked my belly. "You know I have to do this baby I have to figure out what the fuck is going on. I just spoke to Detective Jones three days ago about another man in our home and now they're saying it's me. I got a hold of this paperwork and this black and white print don't lie so me and your fam about to do some math and blow some fucking heads off." I wasn't going, my baby JUST came home and now she's trying to get herself jammed up again.

"No you're in for the night Giselle, I'm not playing with you." I spoke firmly, I managed to yank her down to me by her shirt.

Her face instantly twisted up as she looked down at her shirt. "I just ironed this." She mumbled with a agitated look on her face.

I let it go smoothing her shirt back out for her. "I'm sorry baby but I can't have you out there tonight I have a bad feeling about this." I reached my right hand out to caress her face.

Her lips met mine and we shared a tongue kiss, our tongues glided against the other before she let out a raspy moan. "C'mere." That Texas accent made my pussy leak! not to mention the way her eyes poured into mine.

Carefully laying Blue down on the bed Beyoncé and I trailed off towards the bathroom, she locked the door behind us and was instantly all over me.

"What? I meant what I said and if you think you're about to change-." She roughly pulled me closer to her bending me over the sink.

"Man shut up and bend yo ass over." Something about the way those words rolled off her tongue had my pussy dripping!

I had nothing but a big t-shirt on and judging by that mischievous smirk she had on her face she knew it. She rolled it up to my mid section and pulled me back against her waist. My pussy collided with the cold surface of her Versace belt followed by her hard dick.

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