A Good Time

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Beyoncé stood behind me securely wrapping her arms around my waist as we both swayed to the music playing throughout the club. She had more than enough drinks in her system at this point but she did well on holding her liquor.

Tonight was her birthday and I wanted my baby to have fun so I personally rented us out a private section and got her, her choice of strippers for the night. Funny thing is she paid them no mind as she couldn't keep her hands or eyes off of me.

"You look good." She whispered in my ear before nibbling on my earlobe, her hands rubbed at my hips.

Biting my lip I turned my head slightly to kiss her jawline, that was definitely one of her spots. Her hands gave my hips a gentle squeeze before she pulled me closer wrapping her arms back around me.

"You look even better baby."

Lauren came back into the section with more rounds of patron. "ALRIGHT SHOTS EVERYBODY!" She yelled throwing her hands up in the air.

If you couldn't tell already Lauren was definitely the life of the party, even at funerals.

Gathering around the shot table everyone threw their drinks back on three. It has been a very long time since I've been to any kind of strip club and I was having the time of my life.

"One more shot for the birthday girl!" Lauren excitedly held a shot glass out to Beyoncé and Bey gladly took it throwing it back like water.

"Bitch you trying to give my baby alcohol poisoning." I gave Lauren warning eyes as I made Bey sit down.

"I'm just making sure she celebrate the right way." She shrugged sitting back in Wayne's lap.

A few blunts were being passed around while I decided to just stick to liquor for the night. Those two never mixed well for me, liquor and weed made me hallucinate and tonight I had to keep an eye on my baby.

"What's up Nicki, you looking beautiful." Drake approached me, since Bey went off to the bathroom I'm guessing that's why he was bold enough to try it.

"Hey Drake, you don't look too bad yourself white boy." I patted his chest.

Every one knew Drake and I had a thing once before, well except for Beyoncé. I wouldn't dare tell her that after last night, she'd try to kill him but tonight they were getting along fairly well after they apologized and decided to move past everything. I just hoped Drake stayed in his place and continued to be cool the remainder of the night.

"Again I'm sorry for everything-."

"Drake it's fine, you guys made up and everything is cool. Let it go." I shut him down walking away from him as I saw Bey exiting the bathroom.

See I knew Drake's charm, first he comes at you with the gentle approach and then that's when he takes it there with that smooth voice of his. I fell for it a while back and I must say, he's a very good partner he's just very— insecure. This was one of the times my ex and I were on a 'break' and I got bold enough to even look at another man.

"What's your number pretty lady." Bey joked as she gave me soft pecks on my neck.

I turned around to face her wrapping my arms around her neck taking in the sweet smell of her perfume. Her hands fell to my waist as she smiled down at me, droopy eyes.

"Well I don't really partake in giving my number to strangers." I added.

"Oh really? Well you sure do partake in giving strangers puss-." Before she could finish I cut my eyes at her making her shut up.

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