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"Mhmmm fuck." A breathy moan escaped my lips as my lips were firmly trapped between my teeth.

I tried my best to spread my legs further apart to work the toy in and out of my drenched pregnant pussy. I was hornier than ever and the fact that I haven't allowed Beyoncé around for 4 months is not helping me at all.

The feeling was so intense that I could feel it in the tips of my toes and the pit of my stomach.

"Oh fuck Beyoncé." I moaned squeezing my eyes shut to imagine her making love to my body, the mind was a magical place.

My abdomen tightened as I felt my orgasm coming anytime now. The gasp that escaped my lips could be heard from the next room if anyone was in here but luckily I was home alone.

Just as it was coming there was a knock at my front door instantly giving me an attitude from hell. I tucked the dildo away underneath my pillow and grabbed my robe to wrap around my naked body.

Without a thought in mind I snatched the door opened completely shocked to see Beyoncé standing in my door way. "What do you want Beyoncé."

Even though seconds ago I was just in my bedroom moaning her name to the top of my lungs, I refused to be nice to her.

"You Nika, I miss you baby." In one swift movement her strong hands were firmly placed on my waist.

I could feel my robe becoming lose because of the weight she applied to it and I didn't think to tie it tight at all.

"I love you ok, Baby I swear I will never fuck up again. Onika I need you." She pleaded tears welled up in her eyes as they did mine.

"Beyoncé I get that, I really do," I tilted her head up and wiped the stray tears that had fallen from her eyes. "But I refuse to let you treat me any kind of way. We are old enough to have disagreements without getting physical."

I had yet to tell her that I was 4 months pregnant with her child and I felt guilty because she deserved to know but I was also afraid that she wasn't ready for another child.

"Please Nicki." She pleaded resting her forehead against mine.

My emotions were slowly breaking down and I felt as if in any minute now I was going to have a break down. "No Beyoncé! No! I don't want to go through that again I just want to be happy for once in my life!" My voice was a few pitches higher and so was my attitude.

"I've took every beaten possible and I've spent thousands delivering you flowers and purses and whatever else I thought you'd like. I don't know what else to do, I tried." Her voice trembled as she tried her best to keep her composure.

Her and Wayne fell out tremendously and he decided to get a group of people to beat the living shit out of her. She was found in the lobby of her hotel practically fighting for her life just about a week ago. He promised me that every time he saw her, he would beat the shit out of her. Then it clicked.

"Wait Bey-." She cut me off.

"Yeah I just got discharged from the hospital, I'm fine though. I got a few pain meds and meds to help this depression shit."

Was I really so selfish that I completely ignored the fact that she was in the hospital fighting for her life a week ago?

"Bey you need to rest your body." I gently pulled her inside and helped her on the couch.

My eyes landed on the boot she had on her leg and I instantly propped it up on a pillow. "Nicki I'm fine."

I ignored her repetitive statement and instructed her to lift her shirt up where she had another brace for her ribs. "Giselle, who allowed you to come up here by yourself?"

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