Attitude lessons 101

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"How did you get her to agree to help find her brother, she wouldn't even tell me his name." Wayne scoffed as he ashed the blunt and passed it off to me.

"She didn't want me to know either shit I just so happen to be there when she was on the phone with the social workers. I had to beg her to let us help."

Nicki and Lauren was inside the house cooking while Wayne and I sat outback watching Blue swim around in the pool. It took some convincing for Robyn to let me see Blue every since she came back home with a bruise on her head. Honestly I wouldn't hurt my babygirl and I thought Robyn knew me better than that.

"I got my boys right now tracking his name down so we'll find him in no time."

Pulling from the blunt twice I put it out when I seen Blue getting ready to get out of the pool. Running towards me she climbed her wet self into my lap wetting my new outfit.

"Mommy when is the food going to be ready?" She whined.

Picking her up in my hands I pecked her head twice walking us both through the slide door into the kitchen. "My baby is hungry hurry y'all slow asses up." I joked.

Nicki rolled her eyes while she wrapped Blue up in a towel and took her from me. "You get to eat first baby, how does that sound?"

"Yaayy mommy Ms. Nicki's letting me eat first." She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Blah blah blah." I stuck my fingers in my ears pretending not to hear her.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out seeing that it was Robyn. "Blue come talk to mama."

I handed Blue the phone and told her to go in the living room with it. Staring at Nicki's ass from across the room I got up and hugged her waist from behind kissing her neck. Lauren coo'ed from beside us being the dramatic woman that she is.

"Y'all so fucking cute, make babies already."

"Girl I am not ready for kids right now." Nicki rebuttals.

"Yeah right, every time I hit that—." She cut me off by stepping on my foot.

I laughed letting her waist go. "Me and Wayne gone finish this blunt just call us in when the food ready." I pecked her lips and pecked Lauren's cheek.


Lauren kept looking towards me smiling after Beyoncé left out of the kitchen. "You be telling her to cum inside don't you?"

If I would've had something to drink in my mouth I definitely would've spit it out every where.

"Oh my God Lauren, you don't have no damn filter." My cheeks grew hot thinking about the few times Beyoncé had came inside me all because of my dirty talk.

Our sex only got incredibly nasty the more we did it and the more we had sex the more we discovered things about eachother's bodies. Like with Bey I've learned that she absolutely can not handle when I grab her balls.

"Yeah your ass gone be pregnant before you know it." She assumed.

"Bitch no I'm not." I chuckled setting food out evenly on everyone's plate after I sat Blue at the table and gave her-her plate.

"Baby y'all come eat." I peeked my head out the back door telling Wayne and Bey to eat.

The smell of food was soon overtaken by the strong smell of the weed lingering on them. They took a seat at the kitchen table grabbing the plates in front on them wasting no time digging in.

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