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My right hand rested on Nicki's waist as she nursed the nasty cut that had formed there. The burning sensation of the alcohol caused me to hiss and squeeze her waist even tighter.

"I'm sorry baby." She spoke softly easing up on the cut while her face held a look of concentration on it as she unwrapped the bandage she was about to put over my wound.

"Nurse Nicki to the rescue." I joked pulling her into me even more allowing my arms to fully wrap around her waist.

"I need you." She pointed her index finger into my chest. "To relax in the house for a few days. I want you out of the warehouse just for two days at least."

"No can do babe, we have too much to do I can't take days off and you know that but I promise after we get everything out of the way I'll be home with my family. Deal?" I asked her holding my pinky out.

She rolled her eyes but still hooked her pinky with mine sealing it with a kiss. "I'm going to give babygirl a bubble bath tonight. The sexual assault kit results were good so no problems down there. Just the evident bruises but they are healing just fine."

We had took Blue to one of our certified doctors from the warehouse since we didn't want the doctors getting police and other unnecessary people involved. Nicki tried to convince me that we needed police involved but I assured her that everything would be under control.

Who would be the first person the police turned to if Chris winded up murdered? Me and I couldn't risk it.

"Thank you for being by my side Nicki. This is a lot to put up with and I didn't even have to ask you to take on the challenge you did it anyways and I love you so much for that." I reminded her.

After she secured my bandage she held my face in her hands staring into the depths of my soul. "I love you more." She spoke soft enough for just the two of us to hear and leaned in for a kiss.

Respectfully, I let my hands find its resting place on the surface of her plump behind. It was a habit that I'd grown comfortable with.

"Mommy I'm hungry." Blue whined walking over to Nicki and I, rubbing the crust from her eyes.

We needed her body to heal and for her to feel better so we allowed her to get as much sleep as she needed to.

"What do you want to eat baby." I looked down at her as she held on to my leg.

"Cheesecake." She yelled excitedly.

Nicki looked at me shaking her head. "She loves everything that you love."

"Guess I have to go get my baby some cheesecake." I pecked her lips and Blue's forehead before grabbing my car keys to leave the house.

Just as I was pulling out of the driveway my phone rang in my pocket.

"Yeah?" I answered knowing it was Wayne falling based off the ringtone that had played.

"We got him."


Chris finally gave up fighting me as I held him in a tight choke hold, Wayne's pistol rested right on his temple if he tried anything.

"I been waiting to get my hands on you." I chuckled harshly in his ear.

He laughed back, obviously not taking me serious but he would soon. "How's her back doing?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I squeezed my arm around his neck even tighter making him tense up. "What did you do to her?"

He struggled to speak as I squeezed the air out of his body too upset to attempt to let go of him. Right before all of his oxygen ran out I let him go throwing him on the cement ground of the basement making his face smack the floor.

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