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"Wait slow down Bey, and sit back let me put ice on it." I scrunched my face up looking at Beyoncé's bruised dick, she had a literal purple hand print wrapped around her dick.

"What the fuck happened to you?" I asked her.

"We were having sex yesterday and I slipped up and said your name. I tried to tell her I didn't say anything but she heard me. She goes 'I fucking heard you Giselle, you called me that bitch name'. Next thing you know my dick is being squeezed to death." She ranted.

I shook my head placing the ice packet on her bruise. She came over my house first thing in the morning limping like she'd been beaten to death.

"I honestly don't know what to say." I admitted repositioning the ice.

"It's too cold Nicki." She whined trying to grab the pack from me.

"You better hope your dick is still working after that. You're already walking on thin ice by being over here. Are you sure her crazy ass don't have some sort of tracking device on you?"

She smacked her lips snatching the pack from me. "No she doesn't and stop treating me like I'm a bitch."

"You are when you want to be." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Man I really wanted to hit her ass yesterday but she's pregnant with my kid."

I rolled my eyes at the statement. "Everybody else is pregnant but Nicki."

"Come on Nicki." Beyoncé sighed grabbing my thigh.

"I can't help but to feel jealous, you know that's something I've always wanted. I've always wanted my own little family."

"Your time will come trust me." She scooted closer me pecking my cheek.

"No it won't, the doctors already told me that my chances are slim to none. So, I've been trying to adopt."

"I'm sorry to hear that Nick." Bey consoled me pulling me into her side, her other hand caressed my side.

"It's fine I wish you guys the best of luck though." Knowing good and damn well I didn't really mean that.

She nodded her head telling me thank you.

"How is my Blueberry?" I asked.

She sighed letting her smile fade away. "Robyn won't let me see her for whatever reason. I've tried popping up at her house but she's moved."

"I know how much you love her, makes me sick to my stomach when mothers keep their kids from their own parent."

She sat the ice pack on the floor and pulled her shorts back up carefully sitting back down. "I believe it's her boyfriend, did I tell you I had to get some of my boys to beat his ass because he beat Robyn in front of Blue."

I gasped, "Bey you need to find out where she is and go check on them."

"I've tried Nicki, no traces."

Looking down at my phone I could see Lauren requesting to FaceTime me so I answered.

"Bitch are you fucking right now? Why aren't you responding to my texts."

"No I am not having sex Lauren, I'm sorry my phone was on silent."

"Tell Beyoncé I said hey with her trifling ass." She tried to mumble the last part but we heard her anyways.

"How did you know she was here?"

"I just rode past your house, her car was parked outside."

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