Love on the Brain

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After I dropped Blue off with her mother I decided to surprise Nicki with some lunch at her job. I knew now was the time that she got a break so it wouldn't be a problem if I stopped by.

I checked in with the front desk and went to where they had a personal office for her. I knocked on the door before walking in, her favorite flowers in one hand and Popeyes in the other hand.

She made a pouty face before she stood up with her arms held out towards me. I put her things down and hugged her back but she wouldn't let me go so I wrapped my arms around her tighter.

"Thank you so much Bey, that just made my day." She sniffled.

"Girl I know you not crying it's just food." I chuckled.

She smacked her lips and pulled away from me to go sit back at her desk. "It's the thought idiot."

I took a sit in front of her desk and pulled my phone out, scrolling through Instagram. My Instagram crush was all over my timeline as usual.

"Damn she fine." I mumbled seeing a picture of her in a bikini.

I was took by surprise when I felt my phone being snatched from my hands.

"Who the fuck." Nicki cursed as she looked at my phone in disgust.

"Jealous maybe?" I laughed watching her slam my phone back down.

"Nobody's jealous." She tossed a fry into her mouth moaning at the taste, she's such a fat ass.

I started eating my food along with her, occasionally glancing up at her. She was so beautiful to me man I could just attack her, but I kept my cool as best as I could around her.

She blushed when we made eye contact and covered her mouth as she smiled from ear to ear.

"Why do you always hide your smile, it's too pretty to be hiding." I smirked at her making her get all shy.

"I don't mean to it's just out of habit." She spoke softly looking up at me.

"Come to my house later on. I want to chill with you, you gone smoke with me?"

"Nope last time I smoked your weed I was too high. My heart was beating fast and shit." She mugged me.

"You signed up for it I didn't force you to smoke."

She got quiet for a moment before looking down into her lap and briefly looked up at me before letting out a frustrated sigh. I could see hesitation written in bold red print across her forehead as her hands now rubbed her temples.

"Bey can I tell you something?" She spoke shyly looking down into her lap once again.

I sat up in my seat and leaned forward giving her my undivided attention. "Sure Nick, what's up?" I questioned as my heart started to speed up at her questionable demeanor.

"I think uh I-I have feelings for you Bey." She let out as she finally gave me the eye contact that I was desperately craving, that let me know that she meant it.

"Where is this coming from?" I asked because a few weeks back she wanted nothing to do with me on the levels of being together.

"It's just— I realize that you show me how I should be loved and you give me the attention that I crave on a daily basis. When we cuddle it feels so right and the second we have to leave each other I feel defeated." She confessed.

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