Come Through and Chill

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As I searched through the bread aisle in the grocery store I heard a gotdamn being whispered from behind me making me whip my head in that direction.

My eyes fell on her pools of honey and soon studied the beauty of her perfectly chiseled face. Beauty marks ran along her chin stopping just above her collar bone. She wore a simple white T-Shirt along with a pair of grey shorts and a pair of white air forces to top it all off.

As she cleared her throat my eyes shot up at hers and I blushed knowing that she saw me literally undress her with my eyes. She tucked her hands away in her pocket and gave me a cocky smirk, like she knew what I was thinking.

"I remember you pretty lady." She spoke ever so smoothly as she leaned against the shelf.

"You look lovely if I must say." I ranted biting my lip as I looked over her outfit once again.

"I can switch it up here and there." She shrugged repositioning her right leg over her left leg.

"I never got around to asking you your name if you don't mind me asking, my name's Nicki by the way."

"It's Beyoncé but everybody usually calls me Bey."

Just as I was about to respond to her a little girl that kind of resembled her came clinging to her legs and Beyoncé picked her up. I'm guessing that was the daughter holding her up for her meeting a few days ago.

"Mommy I want oweos but mama said no." She whined as she laid her head on her shoulder.

Soon enough another lady came around the corner immediately making eye contact with me. Her and Beyoncé caught eyes for a moment and it was as if they were secretly communicating with each other. I decided that it was best for me to remove myself from the awkward position.

"I'll see you around Beyoncé, you guys have a nice day." I waved as I turned my basket the other way.

I could hear Beyoncé being questioned as I made my way down the aisle but decided to just mind my business since it in all honesty was none of my business to begin with.


As we made our way to Robyn's house she fussed at me the entire time about who Nicki was. The most I told her was that she was just the receptionist at my therapy center which wasn't a lie at all but she was not going for that.

"What did I tell you about you and your stupid hoes Beyoncé." She mushed my head making me clench the stirring wheel.

"Watch your mouth around my daughter and stop putting your hands on me Robyn I told you about that." I warned her.

She huffed as she sat back in her seat crossing her arms. The most she was upset about was the fact that I was being nonchalant with her but it was only because I knew I didn't really do anything wrong. I mean if anybody saw an ass that fat they would look too, let's be real.

"I hate you." She mumbled slamming my car door as we arrived at her house.

"Blue go in with mama and give her kisses to make her feel better."

After I got all of the groceries inside and put them away in her kitchen I met them in the living room. Blue was in her own world watching the tv and Robyn was texting on her phone. Plopping down beside her I pulled her into my lap letting her get comfortable.

"I thought I told you she couldn't have sweets." Rob spoke calmly as she tossed her phone beside me.

"That's my princess and she'll get whatever I tell her she can get." I playfully stuck my tongue out at her.

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