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My baby brother's body soaked in his own blood laid in the threshold of a place he would no longer be able to call home. My first reaction was to cry but I instantly got sick to my stomach looking at the gory pictures.

Lauren rubbed my back as I emptied the contents from my digestive system into the detective's personal trash can.

"Ms. Maraj can you identify the body?" Detective Jones asked me after I got myself together.

I nodded my head choking back the tears threatening to fall. "Macaiah Maraj." Is all I could utter out before I completely broke down.

Lauren pulled me into her embrace. "It's ok." She whispered to me politely caressing my stomach.

My cries turned into uncontrollable sobs and at this point all I wanted to do was see my baby brother one last time.

The detective cleared his throat and continued talking. "My team is still working on the crime scene at the moment and will need to do some investigation inside your house, with your permission of course, over the next 24 hours."

I nodded my head.

"From our understanding he was shot from inside of the house, almost as if he had just entered into the house. As you can see in the pictures his house keys were still jammed into the door and all."

My mind began trying to put two and two together but I know that Beyoncé wouldn't do something like that. It couldn't have been Beyoncé but then again Caiah had been giving her a very aggressive attitude.

What if Beyoncé actually killed my brother.


We were just wrapping up the meeting when an angry Onika came barging through the door, face as red as an apple. All I felt was her fists pounding into my chest, taking the breath out of my body.

"You did it!" She cried all while trying to hurt me as best as she could but she was crying so hard that her punches eventually grew weak.

"Baby what's wrong." I spoke in a subtle yet curious tone once I had her hands secured and her small body glued to a wall.

I signaled for the rest of the crew to give us some privacy and watched as they all walked out one by one.

"Onika what are you talking about?"

"You killed my brother." She sobbed almost falling to her knees but I supported her body.

"Nicki I wouldn't do that to you baby, what's going on? Talk to me please." I panicked because I just knew I was going to lose Nicki again.

I had no clue what she was talking about or what was going on at the moment to make her lash out at me like that.

"Someone k-killed Caiah from inside my house."

My heart broke for her, I knew Caiah was the best thing that had ever happened to her. I let her body fall into to me as she broke down all over again.

"Baby I promise I would never do anything like that to hurt you but I will find out who did that to him." I reassured her.

She nodded her head into my chest.


"Y'all are staying here until they finish investigating the house." Lauren told me.

Nicki ended up falling asleep in one of their guest rooms so now it was time to talk business and figure out who the fuck did this.

"Aye go upstairs with Nicki, me and BK need to figure something out." Wayne told Lauren earning a eye roll along with some back talk.

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