Being Pregnant

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Nicki's hand squeezed mine as we sat in the waiting room of the women's center. We were doing a five month check up and Nicki was extremely nervous because she had been cramping really bad this morning.

"Relax baby everything will be fine." I kissed her lips and placed a hand over her firm belly

"Baby," She paused looking in my eyes with tears in hers. "What if-."

"Onika stop it ok? The baby will be fine, let's just hope for a healthy baby. It's not good to think about the worst in situations like this." I reassured her for the tenth time today.

"Mrs. Onika?" We heard coming from one of the door that led to the back.

I helped Nicki up and grabbed her hand leading us both to the door where we greeted the nurse. She instructed Nicki to take her shoes and her coat off so that she could check her weight and blood pressure.

After they finished up the nurse lead us into one of the empty rooms they had available. I helped Nicki up on to the table and took a seat in an unoccupied chair.

"So Mom, what's been hurting you?" She asked opening her laptop to prepare for documentation.

"I started cramping at about six this morning and I just wanted to come check and see if everything was ok." Nicki gently rubbed her small pudge.

"Ok, we'll do a brief ultrasound and let you all see your baby. Mom I need you to stop stressing yourself out or Dr. Campbell might order you to be put on bed rest for a little bit. She'll be in shortly." The nurse put her laptop away and left out of the room.

"You can't be worrying yourself like that Nicki, like I said everything is going to be just fine and our little one will be here with us in just four months."

Her face frowned up for a second before she completely broke down in tears making me rush to her side. "I'm scared." She whispered through her sobs resting her forehead against mine.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and gently kissed her forehead letting her know that I was there for her no matter what. She had moments where she was completely shocked thinking about her pregnancy. There was nothing else I could do but just let her know that she wasn't in this alone.

I helped her clean her face up and stood by her side to hold her hand until the doctor got back.

There was a brief knock on the door before Dr. Campbell came through it with that bright smile she always presented.

"My favorite Mommy's are here to visit me again." She chuckled sitting her things down.

She sat in her rolling chair and wrote somethings down on a paper quickly before standing up to listen to Nicki's heart. "So Mom, I've been checking up on your stress levels and I don't like how they are looking."

Nicki nodded, "I know Doc they probably look terrible but I've just been so nervous thinking about the whole process. Every second of every minute my mind is going crazy thinking about anything that could go wrong."

Dr. Campbell poured the gel on Nicki's stomach and moved the stick around until she found our little bundle of joy. The baby was growing day by day and it was a very exciting thing to witness once again.

"Being that you are at high risk of miscarriage Ms. Maraj I need you to keep those levels down for me. The baby is a ball of energy right now and that is perfect, that means it's healthy as of now. I want you all to come back in exactly two weeks and I need for those levels to be down or I will call for you to be put on bed rest." She turned to me before speaking again.

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