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Caiah held my shopping bags and continuously complained as we walked through the mall. I wanted to spend time with my little brother today and let him shop but Caiah being Caiah he could care less about shopping so I took over.

"Is this to try to stop me from being mean to your girlfriend? Because if so this isn't going to help." He laughed walking into the elevator after me.

"No this isn't about Beyoncé but speaking of. I know what she did was wrong and I know you aren't really the type to be forgiving but considering the fact that you two are underneath the same roof y'all are eventually going to need to communicate." I explained stepping off of the elevator.

"Ok, I'll talk to her but only for you." He reminded me.

As I walked through the food court I was trying to make up my mind about where I wanted to eat from.

"Even though I don't like Beyoncé like that, I do know that she wouldn't allow you to eat this greasy food right now." Caiah nagged walking with me to a Chinese restaurant.

"Is this your way of trying to tell me I need to eat healthier?" I bit into the sample of orange chicken I was handed.

"Yes it is, you know it's a subway right over there."

I laughed at his failed attempt to make me eat healthy, my time away from Beyoncé is my time to eat how I wanted to. I ended up leaving the mall with a large tray of Chinese food and and a cinnamon bun from Cinnabon.

Caiah helped me into the passenger side closed the door, jogging over to the drivers side. "I need to stop at somebody's house really quick is that cool with you?"

I nodded my head and opened my food to start eating.


My girlfriend was probably currently losing her mind as I had told her I would bring some food by an hour ago. Nicki had no clue that I had a girlfriend, an older girlfriend at that.

Normani was 22 years old and fresh out of college feening for some dick so I happen to be her daily supply of it. It isn't like I'm illegal or anything but knowing Nika, she wasn't going to like this.

As I parked outside her condo I grabbed the Chinese food that I had picked her up and told Nika I would be back.

"Oh look at you looking all sexy." My girlfriend, Normani seductively spoke pulling me into her condo by the front of my shirt.

I pecked her lips multiple times before sitting her food down on the island planted in the middle of the kitchen

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I pecked her lips multiple times before sitting her food down on the island planted in the middle of the kitchen.

"Thank you baby, you look even better." I bit my lip at her letting her spin around in front of me.

"What took so long?" She asked sitting in my lap as I took a seat on her sofa.

"I got my sister with me."

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