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I paced around the room as I tried to maintain my composure talking with a social worker over the phone. I had not given up on my baby brother and I don't plan to do so at all.

"Ma'am I'm telling you we have nobody under that name registered in the system." I could sense the frustration in her voice as well.

In the midst of the phone call Beyoncé had found her way around my waist softly pecking my neck. Pulling the phone away from my ear I slightly pushing her back.

"Baby not now please." I pecked her cheek walking out of the bedroom.

"Ma'am I just—how could my brother completely disappear off the face of the Earth. He's only 17 right now I don't understand."

She sighed before speaking. "Maybe he's moved outside of the country."

"Ok, thank you for being patient with me I've been looking for him for so long." I placed myself in the love seat located in my living room.

"I hope everything works out for you." She genuinely spoke.

"Yeah me too, you have a good one."

I sat back into the couch cushion rubbing at my temples so many thoughts ran through my head. He's only 17 he couldn't have gotten that far. Micaiah Maraj could not be dead, I would never forgive myself for not trying hard enough.

"Calm down mama, I'll help you find him if you let me I promise." Beyoncé sat beside me resting her head against my cheek while she caressed my thigh.

"Baby I can't put this off on you, I won't put this off on you." Playing with her fingers as I tried my best to hold back any tears threatening to fall.

She got quiet for a bit before letting me go. "Something is up with you."

My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"You've been guarding yourself from me every since yesterday it's like you're not affectionate with me anymore or when I try to be affectionate to you—you completely shut me out. It feels like we're at square one again."

I knew now was the time to tell her that Safaree had called up to my job. My actions were beginning to affect our relationship and that's the last thing I wanted.

"My ex called up to my job yesterday..... h-he didn't really say much it's just the sound of his voice made me think back to that relationship. It's been fucking with my mind every since yesterday."

"The way he used to make me feel so weak and useless. He beat me every second he got to for any little thing and I just promised myself that I would never let my guard down again."

My words trembled as a knot sat in the middle of my throat, a headache was coming on simply from holding back my tears.

"You don't have to worry about that if you're with me trust me Nicki."

Blue came down from her room plopping her little body in Beyoncé's lap.

"Monsters under my bed mommy." She whined shoving her face into Beyoncé's chest all while putting herself back to sleep.

"You want mommy to beat those monsters up for you baby? I'll do it." Beyoncé spoke softly walking them both back up the stairs.

Giving the two some privacy I grabbed my phone deciding to scroll through Instagram. I came across a picture of Bey and her trainer both showing off their abs.

NickiManaj: fine ass 😩💜

Badgalriri: I hit it first 🤣

I had to turn down the TV just to make sure I saw exactly what the fuck I think I saw. No this bitch didn't come on MY baby's page and publicly disrespect me.

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