Snakes in the Grass

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Caiah was still trying to convince me to let him join Daddy's gang. Caiah didn't know exactly how Daddy operated and I didn't want him to have to find out either.

"Micaiah I won't tell you again that you're not joining Daddy's gang or any gang for that matter. That's why I'm having you fill out job applications this week and I'm enrolling you into a community college." Sitting a plate of food in front of him I began to prepare Bey's plate afterwards.

"I want fast money like daddy used to make before he and mom died-." I cut him off.

"Please don't mention that."

I realized that I haven't really let myself grieve lately, I didn't want to start now.

"Sorry Nika." Caiah stood up to hug me.

Sighing into his arms I silently thanked God for keeping my brother safe. Lord knows I'd be losing my mind right now if I knew something had happened to him.

"It's ok, I'm going to wake Bey up."

Jogging up the stairs I went into my bedroom to see Beyoncé stretched out across my bed and that wild hair of hers scattered out beside her. I climbed into her lap as she was laid on her back one hand rested inside her pants.


She mumbled some non sense before letting both of her hands rest on my hips.

"Get up." I flicked her bottom lip with my index finger.

"I'm up." She peaked her eyes open but closed them back when she realized I had the blinds wide open.

Climbing off of her lap I went back downstairs and waited for her to come down like I told her to.

She came down sporting the occasional basketball shorts and a white wife beater. Her hair was now thrown into a messy bun and her lips appeared to be swollen.

"Morning Cai." She spoke as if I wasn't standing here.

"What up BK."

I almost caught whiplash trying to turn towards my baby brother so fast. "Uhn uhn, only the gang members call her that."

"Nicki stop." Beyoncé tried to convince me as she sat down beside me at the table with her plate.

"Be quiet." I informed her making her seal her mouth shut.

"Now, I don't want to hear no fucking gang affiliation around this house I don't care if it's just a name. You better not say it and I don't care how grown you think you are."

I could hear him mumbling under his breath before he said "ok". Beyoncé was shaking her head but she didn't dare say a word.

Later• Beyoncé

The results had came back at least two days ago but I was so afraid to open it up that I just didn't bother to. Nicki had been convincing me to open it but I couldn't, but today I'm prepared.

"Are you sure?" Nicki asked looking over my face as she sat sideways in my lap.

"I'm sure." Even though my heart was beating out of my chest I knew I had to get this done now or else I would never open it myself.

Tearing open the envelope I could feel my hands become a sweaty mess while I tried to keep my composure. I pulled out the white sheet of paper inside and it's almost as if my eyes landed directly on the results completely disregarding anything else that was on the it.

"The dna isn't a match." I mumbled letting the paper fall out of my hands.

Nicki pulled me into a hug uttering apologies every chance she got to.

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