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Today was the day I decided I was ready to give myself to Beyoncé. Since the day that I told her I wasn't ready she's been doing nothing but being patient with me. Everyday at work she surprised me with lunch even if I packed my own and just sat with me to talk. Since we made things official three days ago I was more than happy to give her what she wanted.

Her birthday was just two days away so I wanted to make tonight special for her. She told me that she would be back before ten tonight so that gave me enough time to prepare.

Scented candles were lit throughout her house along with a trail of roses leading up to the bedroom. The low music playing along with the dimmed lights perfectly set the mood. The entire house gave off a very strong sexual feel to it and that's exactly what I was aiming for.

Her desired dishes that she expressed to me numerous times were her favorites laid out on the dining room table. Just as I had finished touching up my hair my phone rung flashing her name across the screen.

"I'm on my way home, you want something to eat?" She held her phone in one hand and drove with the other.

"No I'm fine, thank you anyways though." I
didn't dare place my face in the camera, she would ask why I'm dressed up and then my cover would be blown.

I tried to keep any suspiciousness out of voice so that she wouldn't question me.

"Your fat ass never says no to food but alright I'll be there shortly."

"Ok see you then."

"Alright bye." She hung up.

I did a little happy dance feeling the excitement rush through my body. She had no clue about what type of loving I was going to put on her tonight.

After a few minutes of scrolling through Instagram I hopped up hearing her keys play at the doorknob. My silk robe hugged my curves in the most perfect way as I admired myself in the mirror. I was sure to lather my skin in cocoa butter to showcase my melanin the proper way.

I met her downstairs seeing that her back was turned to me as she held a phone conversation all while trying to pull her key out of the door.

"Yes Robyn the last time she was here she hit her head on the counter." She huffed growing agitated with her keys.

"Why would I hurt my own child—." She cut her sentence short as she turned around taking in my appearance, her keys now in her hand.

I watched her slowly drag her tongue along her bottom lip as her eyes traveled from my feet all the way up.

"I'll call you back." She shoved her phone in her pocket before making her way over to me.

"All this for me?" She grinned as she rested her hands on my waist.

I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around her neck. "All this for you baby." I pecked her lips.

She pushed me up against her before grabbing my face pushing her tongue into my mouth. Suddenly I was picked up off my feet and held up by my behind with my legs securely wrapped around her waist.

"Babe I want you to eat first." I pushed her shoulder a little bit to let her know to stop.

Her hazel eyes hung low as her cheeks blushed with a tint of red on each. She placed me down on the floor before taking a seat at the dining room table.

I began preparing her plate and occasionally fed her as I sat sideways in her lap, her arms wrapped around my waist making her hands rest on my thigh. She hummed in satisfaction as she leaned back slightly rubbing her stomach.

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