Love vs The Game

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Knocking on Robyn's front door I waiting until she answered holding a sleeping Blue in my arms. I didn't want to let my baby girl go but Robyn was tripping about her being with me for more than 48 hours.

"Hey." She opened the door moving to the side to allow me to come in.

I nodded my head at her and took Blue up to her room and tucked her in pecking her forehead. "Mommy don't go." I heard right before I could get my foot out the door.

My heart sunk hearing how sad my babygirl sounded. I walked back over to her bed and took a seat on the edge of it.

"Mommy will be back soon I promise princess."

"Ok, mommy?" She sat up looking in my direction.

"Yes baby?"

"You and mommy not love eachother anymore?" She asked climbing into my lap.

I figured this whole thing was a lot for her to wrap her head around and I hated that for her. She was always so used to us being together it made me feel for her.

"Mommy and I will always love each other, we just aren't good for eachother." I explained the best way I could to a four year old.

"You love Ms. Nicki now?"

"Yes, get some sleep mama." I laid her back down and sat with her until she fell asleep.

"She's becoming curious." Robyn spoke as I entered into the kitchen where she stood leaning against the island.

"Yeah I've noticed. What do I have to do for you to trust me with her again?"

"I want you to keep that bitch away from her."

I scoffed. "So this isn't even about the bruise it's about Nicki? Come on Robyn that's not fair. I don't tell you to keep Chris from around her because I trust you enough to not put her in harms way." I argued.

"I don't want that bitch-."

"Watch your fucking mouth, now I made her respect your name so you gone respect hers. You got some growing up to do foreal man." I grabbed my keys off the counter and made my way through her front door.

I sat in my car lighting up my third blunt of the day before pulling off, weed seemed to be my first go to if Nicki wasn't around. Yes it was increasingly becoming a habit of mine but no biggy.


"Ma!" Lauren yelled as we walked into her mom's home.

"Why the hell you doing all that yelling for." She pulled her in for a hug and pulled me in for one afterwards.

"I missed you bestie." She pecked her mom's cheek but her mom quickly wiped it off.

"Girl I know you fucking lying ain't no telling what you been putting those lips on."

We followed her into the living room taking a seat in the recliner together, we had a thing for contact when we were around eachother.

"Y'all act just alike." I confessed seeing that neither of them had a filter.

"I see you Ms. Thang with all them hickies on your neck chile." She pointed out making me blush.

"Ma leave her alone."

Bey knew how much I hated hickies so she purposely left big bold hickies every time we had sex. That's probably the only time I'd allow her to give me a hickey anyways.

"I'm innocent mama P."

We got silent for a minute until Lauren's older brother and his best friend, who just so happen to be Lauren's ex walked in.

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