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Bey and I were currently at the mall just shopping around. Our friendship was slowly but surely progressing over this past month that we've been spending time together. Of course she flirted with me here and there but she knew her limits and I knew mine.

I'd never want to disrespect her baby's mother in any way, shape, or form. She told me about what they had going on and how confusing it was but I minded my business.

"You hungry fatty?" She asked pulling me into her side.

"You the one that ate three times already, every food place we've been by you got at least one thing." I chuckled.

"Big daddy got a big appetite and a big di-."

"Ok Beyoncé." I rolled my eyes at her cockiness.

After I caught her masturbating one time in her bathroom she's been bragging about her size every since. Of course I knew about her having "male parts" but I'm not one to judge.

"You know you want it." She continued as we entered into the Apple store, I've been needing a new phone but just never got around to it.

"Girl don't nobody want that shrimp."

"Watch your mouth." She shot me a mug.

One of the workers approached us and asked if we needed any guidance or had any questions needed to be answered.

"Yes ma'am, I just recently got some water inside my phone so I was here to completely purchase another one. I want to go ahead and pay it off if that's possible." I followed her around listening to her give me advice and a mini tour.

"Which one would you like to purchase?" She asked finally looking at me.

"The newest one is fine for me, any color." I handed her my credit card and soon was all set up and ready to go.

Beyoncé carried my bags as I finished setting up my phone while walking out the store. We stopped by the food court once again and sat down to eat, she was generous enough to pay.

"What has Dwayne been up to." I asked her biting into my philly cheese steak.

"Why you all in his business?" She mugged me.

"You can't ever answer my questions without being smart." I rolled my eyes extra hard making sure she got a good view.

"I hate that shit so much, I hope they get stuck."

Beyoncé is the biggest bully that I know but she could also be sweet when she felt like it. She was a very good friend indeed, she took my mind off a lot of negative things and brightened my dull days.

We wrapped things up at the mall and went back to my house to get my new items settled in. She carried everything upstairs for me all I needed to do was put it away.

"You straight now? I had to get you out the house." She sighed laying back on my bed.

I looked over at her briefly before letting a smile appear from my lips. "Yes, thank you for everything Bey."

Earlier today I was having a mental breakdown because I was close to getting fired from my job. A customer had reported me and said that I was giving them attitude so I got wrote up but that's all. I definitely could not afford to loose my job that would completely ruin my life.

"I just spent like eight racks on your spoiled ass." She chuckled I guess she was checking her balance on her card.

"At least I bought my phone." I cheesed holding my brand new iPhone in the air.

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