Do it Again

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The past two years have been a mixture of everything for me. I've gotten promoted to a higher position at my job and I started a healthy journey. If my body wasn't already banging before it definitely is now.

The other half of the mixture was her lingering on my mind every day. It's been forever since I've spoken to any of them, except for Lauren. My life has just consisted of me, myself, and I and to a certain extent I was ok with that.

Celibacy was so hard to revert back to after being in a relationship consisting of constant amazing sex every day. I'd stocked up on a collection of dildos trying to find one to perfect her shape and size but nothing could compare to the way Beyoncé worked it.

Yes I was indeed a sex deprived bitch sometimes but I would like to think I keep my composure well enough. My co-workers weren't afraid to tell me when I was beginning to step out of character and I appreciate them for that or else I'd be jobless.

Try sleeping with a broken heart has been on repeat every single night, it could never grow old. Not until my heart was completely healed at least.

Of course I've seen her around here because she comes for her sessions but every time she comes now she carries that bougie girlfriend of hers along her side. The first time I saw them together I was sick to my stomach, I was angry. Was I that easy to move on from?

She wouldn't even look in my direction and if we did speak regards to her appointment she acted as if we had never known eachother.

Maybe it was to put on a show for her girlfriend, there's no way she doesn't miss me the same way I miss her.

Today was the day of her set up appointment, every 3 months is when she came in around 11 o'clock. It was currently 10:55 and man I would be lying if I said my heart wasn't pounding.

Hearing the bell to the elevator ding I was terrified to look up into her hazel eyes but as I was taught it was unprofessional to not make eye contact with customers.

Looking up at her I was surprised, for the first time in a long time her girlfriend was no where to be found. She looked more relieved or alive this time around.

"Hey." She spoke removing her shades.

Nicki don't give in.

"Here for your appointment?" I asked typing on my computer seeing if Gabrielle was out of her meeting.

"No I want to talk to you actually, I've already rescheduled with Ms. Union."

"I don't think your girlfriend would like that Ms. Knowles." I responded.

"This ain't about her Onika, I miss you. I can't think, I can't eat, I can't sleep. You are constantly on my mind Nicki and I just need you. I don't care what Wayne and them say anymore I need you here with me."

Even though she was saying everything that I wanted and needed to hear I couldn't just jump back into things with her.

"Look we can't talk about this here, meet me at the Cafe down the street when I get off."

"Ok, can I have a hug?"

I nodded my head standing up from my desk smoothing down the dress that I wore. She pulled me into a hug letting her hands take control but before they could reach my ass I pulled away from the hug.

"Nice try." I poked my pointer finger as hard as I could into her chest.

"When you get this thick?" I could feel her eyes burning holes in my ass as I went to sit back down.

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