I was shoved into a cell. Everything was happening fast. One minute I was being marched through the dark hallways of the mall, and the next I was...heck if I knew where I was. The concrete floors of the mall were replaced with metal. Same with the sheetrock walls, come to think of it. Metal was everywhere.
My cell was pretty typical. Bars were everywhere, a cot in the back corner along with a toilet and sink. At least I didn't have to share with anyone, but I was far from being alone. Across from me was another guy, dark-haired and with a decent summer tan, who looked a little more rough around the edges than I was: black eye, torn clothes, and the fierce glare he gazed at me with. At the same time, I didn't quite get bad vibes from him either. There was something good about him.
I settled on my cot and hugged my knees to my chest. Where was I and how did I get there? I just needed to stop and think for a moment.
"You gonna cry?" The guy across from me asked.
"No," I mumbled.
"I think you're the first."
Shrugging, I closed my eyes so I could better block him out. I can't think when people are talking to me all of the time.
"So, dude, what's your name?" he asked. Apparently he failed at how to read body language. I thought about giving him the universal sign to screw off, but held back. Pissing people off wasn't a good idea when I didn't even know where I was.
Instead, I grumbled, "Wicken."
"No...it's..." I shook my head. "Yeah, whatever."
"I'm Justice."
"Cool." I didn't care much.
"I'm guessing you're new on the ship."
"Mmhmm." Wait, did he just say ship? My eyes snapped open. "Have you been here for a while?"
Justice nodded. "Long enough. After a while, time starts to slip away. There's no clocks, no calendars. I just know it's been long enough."
"And where is 'here' exactly?"
"Dude, you're in outer-freaking-space!"

Science FictionChevelle Donahue thought going into work would be just like any other boring day at the mall. Sure, there was her annoying co-worker Wicken Sanders, and a promotional visit from teen heartthrob Timber Hudson, to watch and keep her entertained. But w...