Wicken - Twenty-Six

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Justice shook me awake, I'm assuming several hours later. I was hungry and hurting everywhere. He handed me a small cookie, a glass of water, and two of the pain pills the doctors had given me. After ingesting all three items, I groaned and lay my head back down on the couch.

"Good to see you out of bed," Justice said.

I cracked a small smile. "I didn't break any rules coming here did I? Or unknowingly piss anyone off?"

"So long as you don't dictate the TV channels, nobody's going to care. The E-Zone is first come first serve when it comes to everything. Everybody has their favorite haunts of course, but they're willing to take turns so long as you're willing to wait for it. You missed dinner. I thought about waking you, but figured you were probably not all too hungry anyway. Most of the guys who get whipped seem to not have much appetite while they're still healing," he said.

He wasn't quite right, but I didn't have the energy to argue. The pain far outweighed my hunger, that's for sure. At the same time, I wouldn't have said no to a meal either. Sleep sounded like my best option. Perhaps there was something in the pain pills that was knocking me out.

"Patriarch is giving you another two days, which is a lot more than most guys who get hit have to heal over. This is all new to you, and I think he feels bad. Sometimes he takes things personally." Justice averted his gaze to his hands. "He sees us all as his kids, you know? Plus your body isn't rough around the edges yet. You're still pretty soft."

I nodded. "If you say so. I'm just trusting everything you say here, man. It's all a mystery to me."

"He wants you to know, that tomorrow he's going to meet you during work. There are a few people he wants to introduce you to." Justice gave me half of a smile. "Rose is giving one of her girls over for your personal care."

"Really? Because that's not necessary." I groaned a little. "Why? I don't need any help."

"Take it, because she has access to the stronger stuff for your back. Just because you're getting extra time off doesn't mean you're going to be completely better. It'll take a couple of weeks for everything to heal completely to the point where it won't bother you anymore pain-wise. Not sure if there's anything we can do about the scars."

I let out a sour laugh. "I hear ladies like that kind of thing, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much."

"Positive attitude, I like it. We need more guys like you here. Everyone is pretty much a stick in the mud these days."

"I'm pretty anti-mud, so I don't think you have anything worry about there." I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly.

Justice gave my shoulder a squeeze before standing again. "Two more days, man. Take it easy and enjoy them while you can. After that, it's going to be pretty much non-stop work."

Great. "Good thing I like to keep busy, I suppose."

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