Man, was I glad I kept all of that extra food. It all made the day a whole lot easier, let me tell you. If my Achlivan boss cared about my snacking during my shift, he didn't act like it. Mercury saw me munching, but I made sure to not take any unnecessarily long breaks. In fact, while some guys sat around for almost an hour, I just kept plowing through. Hopefully, he saw me as a diligent worker instead of just trying to be brownnoser. And hopefully, he didn't think I did the job so well that he kept me down here for good.
At the end of the day, he blew a whistle and beckoned all of us to him. He was smiling and it was a little strange to see. Something about his lips wasn't quite right, like they were too long and thin for his face. All the more reason to look away and not stare at him.
"You have all surpassed my expectations. I don't know why I am so surprised. Your human leader has always had exceptional taste when it comes to choosing his workers. He will be pleased to know you have all passed and will be a welcome addition to his pride and joy," Mercury said. "I will take you back up so you may shower and rest."
That sounded divine. I remember what Justice had said about everyone taking the time to shower at night rather than in the morning. Totally understood why now. Pretty sure I was drenched in sweat. I would have spared my shirt, but I didn't see a whole lot of guys without them on. If no one else was going to be practical, it was probably against the rules. Unless of course everyone was as afraid to try it as I was.
Jupiter's group finished working at around the same time we did. They also worked the garbage, but I noticed his human underlings weren't all too efficient. Of course, he was also whipping them a lot too. As we walked by, I glanced his way, and I immediately wished I hadn't. His large orange eyes were narrowed as we made eye contact for all of a millisecond. Then he stalked across the cave toward me, plowing through garbage as he did so.
He shoved me down with his large hands. I'm pretty sure those things could crush my head like I crush soda cans. One squeeze and I'd be done. Because of his strength, I fell back with a lot of force, the wind almost knocking out of my lungs as I hit the ground.
"What are you doing?" Mercury asked, he stepped in between me and Jupiter right as the other alien was about to lash out at me with his whip.
Jupiter never lowered his weapon. "He disrespected me."
"Did not!" I snapped back, and immediately regretted it.
Jupiter pointed down at me as if to make his point.
Shaking his head, Mercury didn't move. "He's been following my line and hasn't said a word until now. I don't see how he could have disrespected you."
"He just did it now, though, and that needs to be punished. He needs to learn that kind of behavior will not be tolerated by anyone at any time, no matter how small the action."
We all knew Jupiter just had it out for me. I have no clue why. I didn't do anything to him. Maybe I was too good after all, and that was his problem.
With a sigh, Mercury looked down at me sadly. He shook his head. "You have one minute with him, and I hope you're prepared to accept the consequences of your actions, Jupiter. Believe me, Athena will be hearing about this."
"Good," Jupiter said flatly. The second Mercury was out of the way, the lashings started.
I rolled onto my stomach, covering my head with my hands, and tried to keep my crying out to just a whimper. Pretty much a futile effort. I counted the minute in my head, trying to focus on the seconds rather than the number of times I was being hit with the whip.
At thirty, I passed out.

Science FictionChevelle Donahue thought going into work would be just like any other boring day at the mall. Sure, there was her annoying co-worker Wicken Sanders, and a promotional visit from teen heartthrob Timber Hudson, to watch and keep her entertained. But w...