Chevelle - Fifty-Eight

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I don't know how long I cried. Enough that Timber and Lara decided to leave me alone for the night. Somehow he'd made other arrangements for the night for the two of them. The thought of him possibly staying with Rumor only made me cry harder. I'd never forgive myself for that one. Even if I knew nothing would happen between them, I still would feel wretched. He was terrified of her.

Eventually, there were no more tears to shed. I suppose I should have been grateful. Now going home wouldn't be so hard to do. But why was my heart hurting so bad? This pain was beyond pity for Wicken. The rejection cut me worse than any knife ever could. Why wouldn't he even listen to me? He didn't give me a chance to express my feelings. Why?

There was a knock on the door. Paul was the only one who ever knocked. Didn't particularly feel up to chatting with him. He'd probably lecture me. Not responding would be rude, especially since he knocked again with more urgency.

"Coming," I called out, hoping that would get him to chill out. I gathered up my blanket around me and trudged over, my plush hippo friend I'd brought with me from the mall, in my arms. When I opened my door, Wicken was who stood in my doorway.

He gave me a small, sheepish smile. "Uh, hi?"

I threw Mr. Hippo at him. He batted it away with ease, laughing as he shut the door. One step was all it took for him to be standing right next to me, his body pressed close to mine. His heart beat just as fast as mine. What did it mean?

"What are you do –?" I began but he leaned his face in toward mine.


And then he kissed me. Smooth, sweet, innocent. Once I understood what he was doing, I kissed him back. My eyes closed and I savored the feeling of his lips against mine, the warmth of his body, the strong beating of his heart. When I kissed him, there were no doubts in my mind about how he felt for me or how I felt toward him. It was all so...obvious. True. Pure.

Breathless, I pulled away from him. "You aren't going to get in trouble are you?"

"Court me," he whispered.


"Court me. I was an idiot. I didn't understand. I thought if I pissed you off you'd forget about me and go home again. Then at least one of us would be safe, but watching you go...I couldn't let you sleep tonight thinking I didn't want to be with you. If you can forgive my idiocy, my lies, everything, court me. Because if I'm with you, I know we can get through everything."

I gazed up into his hazel eyes, my mouth dry, and my head dizzy as I tried to absorb everything he was saying. "I do mean it. I feel the same. There's a lot I don't understand, but I know that you're worth the risk to me. You're all I've been able to think about since we got here. You piss me off, annoy me, and I can't help but want you."

"I'm pretty awesome like that."

"Shut up." I kissed him again, falling back against the wall by the door. Without thinking, my hands started to touch the skin underneath his shirt. There were bandages across his back. I frowned. The whip marks were still hurting him.

He cupped my chin with his hand. "I'm okay. I promise."

"All right." I wasn't sure if I should believe him, but I would let it go for the time being.

He claimed my mouth with his once more. "Let's go back to this. I like this."

"Mmhmm." Pretty sure I was melting on the spot. "You weren't lying to me again about the whole, you not being with any of those girls, were you?"

Laughing, he traced the side of my face with his fingertips. "I swear, I have not been with anyone. Ever. I'd say I could prove it, but I'm not sure there's a way I can."

"I'll just have to take your word for it. Gotta say, you have a creative imagination."

He shrugged. "That should have been your first clue it was all a fib. I mean, do I look like a porn star?"

I rolled my eyes, then closed them once more as I gave him another kiss. "Stop talking before you get in trouble again."

"Yes, ma'am."

Adorable, arrogant, Wicken. Man, oh man, he was a great kisser. Not like I had a whole lot of experience in that department. I'm not sure he did either since there was a sweet apprehension in his tender embrace. In fact, he was shivering. That was all the proof I needed he had indeed lied about his promiscuity. Stupid, butthead Wicken. Just like him to get such ridiculous ideas.

I desired him a whole lot more than he realized. I didn't want to wait; I couldn't. He was here and so beautiful, so sexy. How could I resist? My heart pounded with more than just lust and passion; it beat in time with his. If I let him go, I don't know how I was going to keep breathing. He was my sanity, my purpose, the one who knew and understood me a whole lot better than I did myself. Strong, intelligent Wicken.

Was I scared as I led him back to my bedroom? A little. But I was committed to him, fully, and ready to give him my all.

"We...if you're not..." he said softly, into my ear.

I kissed him quiet. "Not unless you're not."

"You're the only girl I've ever truly wanted, needed, longed for. I definitely am ready. I'd always hoped you would be it for me."

"I'm happy to make your fantasy a reality."

"No, I mean, it. The one."

I lay back on the bed, gripping his shirt and pulling him down with me. For the first time, I felt hope, peace. Having Timber around, I knew I'd be taken care of, sure. But with Wicken, I knew I was complete. Spending my life on an alien spacecraft just became a whole lot more bearable. I loved him. He loved me.

I could get used to this courtship thing.

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