chapter 22

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This chapter is dedicated to all the Aj and Afrah shippers, and to every one who has had to let go of something they truly loved.. Don't mind me, I just finished reading it ends with us by Collen Hoover and it inspired me to update this chapter, cause it an exciting page turner, and so  beautifully writen.  Happy reading fam. In Aj's Bri.ish Accent.  Lol 😂💖

"Hey Afrah, can you be Jasmine without the Jas?" Afrah rolled her eyes. Aj had started with his stupid pick up lines, she played along cause she knew he was in a relationship.
"Can you be my boyfriend without the boy?'
"No Afrah."
"Why Uncle Aj?
"Since we are being cheesy here, another shot are you wifi?"
"No why?
"Cause I am feeling a connection."
"Sorry, but wifi has a password and Khalil is the only one who knows it."
"Ouch,  Afrah."
"Why are you trying so hard anyway? what's up with you and Jinan?" "We cool, you know, keeping it Halal until I meet her parents,"  Aj said in a thick British accent.
"So you guys don't talk again?"
"We do but not like we used to, I don't want to lead her unto something and then drop her feelings along the way."
"Why is that uncle Aj?"
"Because I still believe in us Afrah, and I am not going to give up on us, I will wait for you even if it is a century.

"What if I I don't want you to wait for me?"
"It seems as if that is what you want, Afrah, If you want it, say you want it, stop sending mixed signals." Aj said gingerly. And they continued eating their meal in the fancy restaurant Afrah took them out to. Afrah wondered how she was giving him mixed signals, was her affection towards him obvious?"

At night Afrah laid awake in bed, thinking of what Aj had said, was he really serious? She tossed and turned with the thought until she fell asleep.
Aj was passing by when he saw her room door half-open, he wanted to close the door, when she caught his attention, she was smiling in her sleep. Aj watched in amusement.  He couldn't let the moment slide, and he ear never sleeps, he knew she would hear when he spoke.

"You are dreaming of me Afrah, that explains the drool and the smile." Afrah woke up with a jolt and clutched the duvet more closely on her chest.
"Go away, uncle Aj." She blew out an exasperated breath. And fell back on the pillow.
She was truly dreaming about him, she hoped she didn't say his name out loud as she was saying in her dream. Boy oh boy.

Four weeks had passed in a blur since the last time he asked her, he was afraid to ask her again so he would not get rejected or think he was joking, but today he was determined to get an answer. He met her on the patio studying on her Mac book.
Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Aj, she smiled and kept the MacBook aside.
"What's up mate, you look beat?"
"Make no mistake when I say I love you Afrah, I love you and I need to know if you love me back? I need you to give me an answer today Afrah by 9 pm."
Afrah was shocked, by the seriousness in his voice.
"Why today and by 9 pm cause it is only two hours left before it is 9 pm?"
"Cause if you give me your answer it will determine how my life will be from here."
"I will give you my answer, don't rush me."
"Rush you? How long will it take you to realize what you want? Look, Afrah, I don't want to play games anymore, You know that I love you, we are at a stage in our lives that we should know what we want for ourselves, and I want you Afrah,  Let me make you mine, let me love you as long as the sun burns in the sky..."

"Uncle Aj, it is not as easy as it seems, but if we are meant to be together we would be."
"BULLSHIT! Afrah! BULLSHIT! Love doesn't work that way, you choose to love someone, so make a damn choice, cause I don't know what the fuck is stopping you Afrah tell me, am I a bad person, did I do wrong to you? Afrah know that I am not going to keep chasing you around my whole life,  I am going to stop myself from loving you,  if it is what you want, I will go away from your life forever."

For the first time in her life, she saw the other side of Aj. He said it in a heated manner but he wasn't shouting at her, he was making a choice to make things work by not shouting at her,  and be calm even when he couldn't stand to look her in the eyes. He could have screamed his lungs out at her, but he didn't.  Afrah knew he did that in other to keep from hurting her. And to him it was the level of respect he had for her.

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