Chapter 27

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Afrah sat there gazing at nothingness. She was preoccupied even with little Qalb-Saleem on her lap. She was disoriented and tired.
"Layla." She called.
"Na'am Marmee."
"Where are you going?"
"To the party I told you about."
"Take your brother."  Afrah gave Qalb to her. Layla carried her nine-month-old brother away as she sent a perplexed glance Afrah's way.  Afrah seemed a little out of place as she tried to juggle her job, the home, and motherhood at once.

The kids got together that evening to discuss how they would look after their mother since their father was not around.
"Marmee is going through a lot, yesterday,  she was watering the floor when she should have been watering her sunflowers,"
Ayah continued, "She had the left slipper on the right foot." Ayah said.
"Before she leaves for work, we must take action."  "See how Marmee has changed in just one week without Daada," Khalil said.

"Marmee, on behalf of my pathetic self and my  worthless siblings, we offer you our support. You are not in this alone, and we are going to take care of you and Baby Qalb you need to relax."
"What were you saying?" Afrah said coming out from her state of oblivion
"Marmee, it is not our fault that you chose to have many children, we don't like seeing you like this."   "Oh,   thank you all for your efforts, I am so exhausted. I miss your Daada so much and I don't even know who I am on my own anymore."

"You are the best mom ever, you are a strong, independent woman, a caring mother, for a woman with  lot of children, a doctor, and a wife." Khalil said.  "Awww come here guys."  They were all coocooned in a warm embrace.

"Enough of the emotion, who is in the mood for some magic?" Khalil asked.
"No one is ever in the mood for magic." Hamidallah said hotly. "Just be quiet so we can watch this movie peacfully" Layla warned.

They all dozed off while watching the movie. Afrah stood up and properly covered them with the quilts. She gave them a tender glance. What more could she ask for? She was in possession of everything she could possibly want. Layla had grown up  to be such an incredible younger woman and a role model for her siblings.

"Marmee, welcome how was work?"
"Why are you asking me, no one ever askes me?"
"I really want to know." Ayah said.
"Thank you, so there was a debate about how some strains of HIV are resistant to all antiretrovirals," Afrah enthusiastically said.  Ayah waved her hand away and sighed wearily. "Okay, nothing's worth this," She said with an eyeroll. "I wanted to remind you about that modelling audition I told you about."

"I thought we diccussed the fact that you are too young to go into modelling, honey."
"Marmee, it is modelling,  I've got what it takes, and one day I want to have my face on one of those billboards all over the world, and also bring many money home, it is just for a while, it is not like it is going to be a lifetime job, please Marmee if you and Daada let me, I promise you, I will study medicine."
"Are you trying to bribe me?"
"But you always say that we can be anything we want to be by having courage, and we can succeed in everything we want as long as we  don't hurt anyone or derail  from our beliefs as muslims. I will keep this in my memory fo,r the rest of my life, if you don't let me."

"Wow, Ayah, your sharp tongue will serve  you well in hell."  "Oh Marmee, how can you say no to this adorable face?" She made a cute face.
"Very simple, No."  After taking a breath, Ayah walked to her room angrily. "I wish Daada was here." "Yeah you wish." Afrah retorted back.

The doorbell buzzed at that very moment. To Khalil's utmost surprise it was Daada.
Khalil said, "Everybody Daada," and the kids rushed over to give him hugs. "We missed you so much, Daada. Welcome back." Ayah said.

Aj visited Japan on a business venture. He was meant to be gone for two weeks, but to their astonishment, he returned five days earlier. Even Qalb, was happy to crawl toward him, he missed him dearly.

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