chapter 12

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Ages I know right.. Enjoy Fam.❤️❤️

It was a perfect balmy morning, the climate was mild and conducive to the life of the newlyweds, the sun was yet to rise when she awoke in Khalil's arms, she smiled happily, revering his handsome face, only his soft snores were heard. Khalil stirred in her arms, his eye opened, and then it grew wider in realization he was in the arms of the woman he wanted to wake up next to for the rest of his life, it still felt unbelievable. "Good morning my sunshine," Khalil said lazily. "Morning to you too my Khal." "How are you feeling?" Khalil asked. "Rejuvenated," she said with a satisfied sigh. "It is time for fajr get up let's pray." After they freshened up and performed their ablutions, Khalil led the prayer in a beautiful sonorous tone, that sent a chill down her spine. After they had read their Sallah, they made supplications to their lord to bless their union, starting with Khalil.
"Ya Allah, by your Rahma, may we be the coolness of each other's eyes, Ya Allah, thank you for granting me with a spouse who loves you, and loves me for your sake, Ya Raheem, Ya Razzaq bless our union with beneficial rizq of righteous offspring, and a wonderful home that would be a sanctuary for your remembrance, Ya Allah grant us a portion of your glorious sukoon, by your Rahma may we find comfort and succour in each other, and turn to you alone for all our needs and guidance, Ya Waliyy protect us from evil desires and eyes, leave no room for pride or shame in our lives, grant us patience with each other and allow us to be true with ourselves without guile or fear. Allahuma inne as'aluka aljaana wa maa qarraba illayhaa min qwalin aw 'Amal wa as'aluka an taj'la kulla qadhaa'in qadhayyatu li khayrah. They recited Ayatul kursiyu, And it was over to Afrah.
"Ya Jabaar, Ya Musawwir, help us to accept each other completely, and unconditionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, and behaviorally without any need or urge to change or influence each other to suit our selfish needs, except to better serve you, Ya Salam bless us with an immense passion for each other, fidelity, true friendship, love, trust, respect, loyalty, comfort and laughter all the days of our lives together. As' aluka li anna nee Ash hadu an-laa ilaaha illaa-anta al Ahadus-Samad, Allladee lam yalid wa lam yulad wa lam yakun lahuu kufuwan Ahad. They looked at each other smilingly. "It was such a beautiful prayer, may Allah accept it for us," Khalil said.

"I'll be right back love." He kissed her cheek quickly. "Okay, Khal." She knew Khalil left the room to give her some privacy, she took it as a cue, and went to have a quick shower, leading up to the wedding she had lost a few weight and had a wax, facial, and all of that which made her feel extra beautiful. she sat in front her dressing mirror, and combed her hair gently, styling it in two partings, and tied it at the nape of her neck. She got clad in the lacy cream nightdress, that her aunt had insisted would be extremely pleasing to Khalil. At the moment Afrah wasn't worried about the way her breasts were revealed by the deep V of the bodice or the way her thighs were exposed, she knew the bedclothes would hide her. She was tensed for what awaited her on the bed.

Bringing her out of her agitated state was Khalil, he said his salam and closed the door behind him. Afrah felt a swift surge of admiration and she smiled at him, he walked toward her in long and easy strides, She stood up self-conscious in her revealing dress and took a step forward, but she stopped, caught in the staring spark in his bewitching eyes as they moved over her body in the revealing dress. Wary and shaky, she hastily turned to face the mirror, and absently ran a hand over her hair. Khalil came behind her, his hands settled on her shoulders, from the mirror she watched him bend his head, she felt his warm lips against the curve of her neck, making her go haywire, as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear, she trembled as the husky timbre of voice sent a chill down her spine.

"You are trembling," he said gently. "I know," she admitted. "I don't know why." "Don't you?" He asked softly. She watched as he slid his hands around her waist pulling her against his hard chest, she felt the imprint of his legs against her own. He lazily kissed her ear, Slowly he turned her in his arms, For one breathless moment his smouldering eyes studied her face and body feature by feature, and then he bent his head, his sensual mouth claimed hers in a kiss of violent tenderness and tormenting desires, he kissed her with slow ardour, his hands moulding her close, as his hands slid over the sides of her bosom, Afrah felt all her well being crumble and disintegrate at that moment.

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