Hotdog Vendor x Gender!Neutral!Best Customer!Reader

597 8 5

Title: Order Up!

Original Story by Neo Dracunyan

Reader Info

Y/n - Your Name

L/n - Last Name

E/c - Eye Color

H/c - Hair Color

F/c - Favorite Color

F/Hdt - Favorite Hot Dog Toppings (Ketchup, Mustard, Relish, Grilled Onions, Cheese)

A/n: During the events of the post-apocalyptic world of Madness Combat in the state of Nevada with the battle between The Auditor and Hank J. Wimbleton, the world greatest assassin that ever lived, a local hot dog vendor is trying his best to sell his famous hot dogs from his trusty hot dog cart, despite being stuck in a post-apocalyptic world for any customers that wanted to buy a juicy and delicious hot dog in the middle of nowhere or being cornered by a blue-haired rapper named Boyfriend and his demonic fiancé, Girlfriend that challenged him to a rap battle. However, his luck changed when a local dimensional traveler named Y/n L/n, who came all the here in Nevada to get a hot dog from the Hot Dog Vendor himself.

A/n #2: The Hot Dog Vendor is one of the background characters from one of Newgrounds best game/animated series, Madness Combat, where he tries to sells hot dogs in Nevada as well as cleaning up the blood of the dead bodies with his janitorial skills. As part of the Friday Night Funkin' franchise through the Madness Combat series like Tricky the Clown, Sanford, the Mag Agent Torture, and even Hank J. Wimbleton himself, he eventually got himself a FNF mod as well. So I hope you will enjoy this oneshot as much as the rest of the oneshots in this book.

Location: Somewhere in Nevada

Date: July 13, 1987

Time: 2:19 PM


Somewhere in the state of Nevada, still under the events of the post-apocalyptic war and the battle between the infamous Auditor and the world's greatest assassin, Hank J. Wimbleton, a local hot dog vendor is standing at the middle of nowhere, away from the dangerous areas where the battles takes place at is trying his very best to sell hot dogs to everyone in Nevada with his trusty hot dog cart, but during the events of the war, no one has come to buy his juicy and delicious hot dog as well as his freshly-made hot dog toppings in order to collect enough cash to pay the bills as well as the rent for his apartment.

His other job is to clean up the blood of the dead bodies that Hank killed during his crusade to take down the Auditor thanks to his skills as a custodian and a janitor. Although he hated the job of cleaning up the mess of blood-stained floors as well as disposing the dead bodies during Hank's assassin missions, but at least he has something to do to past the time than waiting for someone at the middle of nowhere to just buy a hot dog or having to deal with a certain blue-haired rapper named Boyfriend and Daddy Dearest beloved demon daughter and BF's fiancé, Girlfriend that forced him to have a rap battle with Boyfriend, which he did since he didn't want to get shot by him with a gun if he refused to rap battle with him.

Hot Dog Vendor: *Sigh* I'm sooooooo bored! Isn't anyone around at this barren wasteland wanted to buy a hot dog. I mean, I just had to give that blue-haired boy a hot dog on the house to leave me alone after I sang a couple of songs during the rap battle he forced me to do after he threaten to shoot me with a freakin' gun. I hope he doesn't do that kind of threat to anyone else that didn't want to rap battle with him.

Then suddenly, a F/c portal appeared in front of him and someone came out of the portal, which made the hot dog vendor cower behind the hot dog cart thinking that this mysterious stranger is gonna kill him in cold blood after he spent his entire life just to sell hot dogs in a completely barren wasteland in the state of Nevada.


???: Finally! I can't believe I have to travel all across the multiverse just to get one the best hot dogs in the state of Nevada.

That comment actually made the hot vendor stand up straight after he had heard this person came all this way to get one of his famous hot dogs. This person is just a normal man/woman with H/c hair and a pair of E/c eyes and he/she seems to be wearing causal clothing, but he/she is also carrying a shotgun behind his/her back just in case some tries to attack him/her at any moment.

Hot Dog Vendor: Oh, hello. You want to buy a hot dog? I got one for you, hot right out of the grill.

Y/n: Sure! I would like one with some F/Hdt on it, please.

Hot Dog Vendor: Sure thing. What brings you here at these parts? Did a blue-haired rapper ever tried to challenge you to a rap battle because he did that to me a few hours ago and he even tried to shoot with a loaded gun when I was about to refuse to his offer and I had to do it just to get him out of my sights.

Y/n: Yeah, he tried to do the same to me during my travels across the multiverse, but I quickly punched him in the face before he had the chance to shoot me with the loaded gun.

Hot Dog Vendor: Wow. I never thought that someone had the guts to take that blue haired brat! So you said that you came all the way here just to get a hot dog.

Y/n: Yeah, I did. You see, I actually kind of a traveler with the thirst for a great adventure ever since I was given the ability to travel to different other dimensions. I have been in a lot strange places, but this place really takes the cake. I never thought I actually see someone tried to sell hot dogs in a post-apocalyptic wasteland like this and I really felt bad for you that you are not getting as much customers in his world.

Hot Dog Vendor: Yeah, I know. It's pretty boring around here, but it's pretty much better than cleaning up dead bodies that the assassin named Hank J Wimbleton had killed during his vendetta to take down the Auditor.

Y/n: Well, at least you don't have to worry about not having any customers cause I might be coming back here for more of your delicious hot dogs.

He/She grabbed his/her wallet from his/her back pocket and pulled out some bills to pay for the hot dog and even left a $100 bill in the tip jar.

Y/n: Thanks for the hot dog, buddy. Keep the change and I will be back here in a couple of hours.

Hot Dog Vendor: Wow! Thanks a bunch for giving me such a great tip. What's your name by the way.

Y/n: You can just call me , Y/n. You keep following your dreams of becoming a hot dog vendor and maybe you will able to sell your delicious hot dogs to the public again.

Hot Dog Vendor: I will. Thank you and come back here anytime.

Y/n: Will do! See ya.

So after all that, it seems that the Hot Dog Vendor's dreams of selling delicious, juicy hot dogs are entirely crushed thanks to Y/n that came here to buy one of his hot dogs right off the grill. He stays at his hot dog cart hoping that one day that Y/n will return to buy another one of his franks and maybe tell him on his/her one of his/her adventures to keep him company cause I can get really lonely here in Nevada come to think about it.


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