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Sorry that this chapter is a little smaller, just a quick filler chapter. Enjoy.


"I'm back!" I yelled, entering my apartment after dropping Lily off at the studio.

Lux was still out filming, but I heard a response come from Freezy's room letting me know he'd heard me. Making my way into my room, I opened the windows - despite it being September, it was unusually hot and I was practically sweating. A change of clothes was needed, and I swapped out my long sleeved top for a short one, and my joggers for shorts.

My bed had been neatly made by Lily before we'd left, much tidier than I'd ever left it, because there had never been the need to tidy up after myself.

My room smelled of her perfume, particularly strong around my pillows. It reminded me of her house back in Guernsey - whenever you entered you were hit with the smell walking through into the living room, and also her bedroom. It was nice to be reminded of it.

Jumping onto my bed, I opened my laptop flicking through various work emails and deadlines I had over the news few weeks. It wasn't as busy as usual, but I knew that when it hit October, it would get busy again, with the run up to Halloween and Christmas. The guys and I would be working overtime for the next three months straight, so I was going to make sure to enjoy the next three or so weeks whilst I could.

I actually had things to look forward to, as well. What with Lily being here for a little while, and the reunion of all our friend group on the horizon - things were looking up.

And then my phone buzzed from beside me - a message from Lily.

It's looking like a late finish tonight, don't mind pushing dinner for another night if it's a problem

It's fine. We eat late. What time?

Seven maybe

Let me know and I'll pick you up

Alright. Got to go

I leave her to it, not wanting to disrupt her whilst working, and get back to my computer to pass the time. It's not imperative I do any of these tasks on my to do list, but I have nothing else to do so it seemed beneficial to get it all over and done with.

I still couldn't believe Lily and Will had dated - and how I didn't even have any idea it had happened. It wasn't like she owed me an explanation of her life over the last couple of years, but I found it strange that even whilst we did see each other, she failed to mention it.

Maybe she had realised how much we'd hated each other in school - she was the biggest mediator you'd ever come across. She hated conflict, and would avoid it at all costs. If she ever shouted, or got angry, you knew you'd fucked up.

I had to give it to her - she probably made the right choice in not telling me. In the grand scheme of things, it was a sensible idea. Plus, they weren't together anymore. He'd fucked it up, like I knew he would've anyway.

Like I'd told her earlier, I'd only had small relationships here and there. Nothing too crazy, or meaningful. There was one girl I was still talking to from a past relationship, but we only ever saw each other occasionally, when we were both in the mood for it.

Ever since moving down to London with the guys, doing everything with YouTube, I'd found it difficult to settle down, and being down here now I found myself not even wanting to settle down. I was having a good time by myself, no commitment, no ties to anyone - I was living my best life.

"Harry?" Lux's voice from outside my door called out. The time on my phone was only early afternoon, which was early for him to be back.


The door opened, and he came in, closing it straight behind him, heading right towards my chair and sitting in it. He clearly had something he wanted to say.

"Spit it out, Lux. Don't have all day," I smirked, but remained curious as to what he had to say.

"Mate - she's next level attractive," he started, and I could feel myself becoming a little on edge, wanting to be wrong about who I presumed he was talking about.

"Who are we -"

"Lily, mate. She's fit," he continued, her name being spoken out loud evoking something so sudden in me I had to physically tell myself to calm down.

"Don't even think about it. I'm serious," I warned him, narrowing my eyes and staring right at him. "Stay away from her. I mean it."

"Fucking hell, all I said was she was fit. It's not like I want to go shag the girl -"

"Watch your mouth, Cal. I've known her for twelve years. She's not a piece of fresh meat you can just choose to set your sights on, got it?"

"Understood! I wasn't trying to say that, I just meant she's good looking, it was a compliment, but nevermind, forget I said anything," he said, the original spark about him disappearing immediately. He lingered a bit longer, but clearly he could feel the same tension as I could, excusing himself only minutes later.

"Good fucking riddance," I mutter under my breath, propping myself up against the pillows properly, in too much of a bad mood to get any work done now. For some reason, it really bothered me he felt that way about her - even more he thought that I'd want to hear about it too. Wasn't it obvious I cared about her in a way I respected her? Or had I not made that clear?

Regardless, I'd be keeping a close eye on Cal from now on. Especially if he was around Lily, because she would come first. Over anyone else.

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