Prom Date

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I was originally going to title the last chapter as prom date but this was much more fitting!!! i love it when the title makes sense ugh !!!

"Did you know that Hannah and Isabella are cousins?"

His expression changed quicker than I had time to even try and depict what he was thinking.

"They're what?" He asks, taking out his own phone and realising he'd been sent the photo as well. The photo in question was a screenshot of a video on YouTube that had been released in the last ten or so minutes. It was a fifteen minute video of the two women supposedly talking complete shit about me.

And it was already on thirty thousand views.

"Oh my god," I whispered, looking over at Harry in complete horror as my phone started to heat up with the amount of messages I was receiving.

"Stay here," he said firmly, getting up off of the bed. "I need to make a phone call," he told me, leaving the bedroom not long after. Once I was alone, I clicked off of the photo and headed over to the YouTube app, where I typed up the video's titled, which was called, 'The Truth About Lily Holt!'

I knew that there would be a bit of blow back from taking the new job. The Sidemen had fans, some of them were extreme, but this was not what I'd been expecting. At best, I'd expected young girls throwing harsh opinions my way, but a legitimate video made by a woman who had tried assaulting me and another who had previously worked for the boys? Ridiculous.

"If you're watching this video, then you, like us, want people to know about who Lily Holt really is. And let me tell you, she is not fit to be the manager of the Sidemen. She is a calculated, vicious person who has no regards for anyone else. She is not qualified, nor stable enough to take on a job of this magnitude, and Hannah here, did not give her endorsement for this nomination," Isabella states to the camera, and I feel myself getting riled up by the second.

The person she was describing in this video was not me. If anything, it sounded like she was describing herself. Vicious?! Calculated?! The only time I'd been outright rude to her was a retaliation! And she had assaulted me!

The video went on with her and Hannah essentially breaking down my character and looking incompetent. I ended up shutting it off after around six or so minutes. Instead, I went onto my phone and started reading some of the messages.


We need to get a handle on this as soon as possible. Don't post anything on social media until you've come down to my office.

That's fine. I can make it down today


What a complete bitch oh my god!! Are you okay??? Do you want me to come round???

I'm OK. Things like this are bound to happen. Would love it but gotta sort this out first. Will let you know


Ohhhhh I hate violence but I am angryyyyyy

Me too. Should've fucking hit her harder

And they should've let you. We're gonna come over tonight

Thanks :)


Are you alright?! I saw the video

Yeah, I'm okay. It's a shit situation. I'll get it sorted then it'll be old news

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