Worlds Apart

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"Okay, so, you might want to sit down for what I'm about to tell you," I say to Harry, guiding him towards my dining room table, standing in front of it, leaning onto a chair. He eyes me up suspiciously.

"Why? What's happened? What've you done?" He asks.

"Bold of you to assume I've done something! I mean, I have, but that's not the point!" I laugh, trying to decide how to break the news to him.

"Seriously, though. What is it? Nothing bad I hope?"

I shake my head. "The opposite. It's great news. For me, anyway. I hope you think it's great, too. I quit my job at the office. Called them and said I didn't want to take it up anymore," I say to him in one breath, breathing out after I stop speaking.

"You did what? Lily! What the hell, you were so excited for this jo -"

"Just wait. Josh offered me a job working for the crew. For you. Technically, by association, I now work for you. And your friends," I tell him, breaking the news.

"Hold on a second, you're going to have to bear with me for a minute whilst I digest quit your dream job?" He asks, looking upset for me.

"Yeah, but didn't you hear the second bit? I'm a part of your crew now!" I repeat myself, waiting for him to finally take in the good part of the news. It takes a few seconds, but slowly his face starts to change.

"Wait - for real? You're really working in the crew? The spot that freed up after James left? Lily! Wait, wow! This is - this is amazing!" He gushes, jumping up from the chair and rushing towards me, wrapping his arms around me and squeezing me tight.

"Woah - okay big guy. Took you a while to catch on there, didn't it? Yeah, it's exciting. I actually kinda can't believe this is my life now. I have to thank Freya for it, though. She's the one who told Josh I needed a job," I shrugged, after both of us had pulled away.

"Wait, you told Freya first?" He asks, looking dejected for a split second, but I noticed it.

"Yeah. I needed time, you know, to figure shit out. I wanted to have a vague plan before telling you about it all. You just seem to worry about me all the time, so I wanted to limit that," I say, trying to sound positive about it all. "Plus, I didn't even plan on telling her. It just kinda came out when we were talking before filming," I shrugged, not thinking it was that much of a big deal.

"When are you going to realise you don't need to keep looking out for my feelings, hmm?" He asks, looking at me proudly.

"Why are you grinning at me like that?" I ask, sceptical of his look.

"Just that I know two people are really proud of you right now," he says quietly, and we both know exactly who he's referring to, and it tugs at my heart for a few moments, reminding me of the feelings I'd been working really hard at hiding.

"Yeah," I say stiffly, looking down at the floor. "I'd hope so."

We don't say anything for a few moments, and then he speaks again. "Well, I better be getting off. I've got a million things to do be doing tonight, and I'm already behind schedule. I will see you on Monday, although I won't be driving us, I suspect you'll be there at least an hour earlier than I'll have to be. Have a good weekend, Lil," he smiles, giving me one more hug before leaving my apartment.

"You too!" I manage to call out before the door closes, leaving me in my apartment by myself again. I also have a shit ton of things to do, the first one being to discuss with Kirsty and Kon to decide what I'll be doing for the shoot on Monday.

I call Kirsty, switching to a video chat to be easier. She picks up straight away, as we'd already agreed to call earlier in the day. She picks up, Kon right beside her, the two of them waving at me. I had only seen Kirsty after Josh had offered me the job, but not Kon, so he was on FaceTime shouting his congratulations to me.

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