The Morning After

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Before you guys read this chapter I would like to remind you all that this is a book of fiction despite being based off of real people. However I describe some of these people is not a reflection of 1. who they are in real life and 2. how I feel about them! That being said, enjoy this chapter, it gets interesting.

I woke up the next morning to a phone call. Rubbing my eyes to awaken myself, I reach over to the bedside table, where I grab my phone, not even bothering to check who it is because the glare of the phone is way too bright to see straight after waking up. 

"Hello?" I ask, way too groggily for my liking. 

"Is Harry at your place?" The person on the phone asks, and I quickly recognise the voice to belong to Kev. I now sit up in bed, my phone still pressed against my ear. 

"Yeah, he is. Is everything alright?" I ask, blinking my eyes a few times in rapid succession, hoping it'll make me feel a little more alive than I currently do. 

"Should be. He's just not picking up his phone, and he has a meeting to attend. He should've been here ten minutes ago," he tells me, and my heart drops. The pair of us had ended up staying awake past four in the morning, and it was only ten now. 

"I'll go talk to him, and get him down to the meeting. Text me the address, we'll be there as soon as we can," I tell him, jumping out of bed, my phone positioned on my shoulder between my ear, so I could walk over to my wardrobe and quickly throw on some clothes. 

"Thanks, Lily. You're a life saver. I'll text over the address now. Bye-bye," he says, and the phone call comes to an end, which means I can finally drop my phone onto the bed. 

After chucking on some clothes, I then jog into my living room, where I see Harry absolutely conked out on my sofa, a blanket covering half of his body. Not having time to admire how good looking he looks, I yell his name and he startles awake. 

"What the fuck?!" He stutters in surprise, opening his eyes and stretching. He then seemed to clock that I had a panicked face, because his face dropped too, as if to ask, 'What the fuck have I done?'

"Kev just called. Apparently you have a meeting that started ten minutes ago," I say, watching his face scrunch up in frustration. 

"Fuck! I overslept, I must've forgotten to set an alarm. Shit, fuck," he swears, tearing the blanket off of him and jumping up so he's standing opposite me. 

"You're gonna have to wear those clothes, you didn't bring anything else. I might have some deodorant in my bathroom, go check. And run a brush though your hair, we'll drive in my car, I'll meet you downstairs," I tell him.

"You're a lifesaver," he grins, giving me a quick peck on my cheek, the whole of my face blushing red before I could think of anything else to do. 

"My key is hung up by the door! Do not forget to lock the fucking apartment!" I yell, grabbing my bag and practically running out of the door, through the corridor and down the stairs. I couldn't be bothered to have to wait for the elevator. 

Rushing through the lobby, I waved over to the receptionist, pushing through the glass doors. My car was near the building luckily, and I unlocked the door, climbing in and starting up the engine. I now checked my phone, and Kev had sent through the address. Copying it into maps, it was only a five or so minute drive away from mine, and I counted my lucky stars. 

It was a building I didn't recognise the name of, and I suddenly realised I had no idea what the meeting was even about. Moments later, I heard a scurrying of footsteps, and my passenger side door was being opened, and in got Harry, looking incredibly out of breath. 

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