Kev Notices

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It was dark when my taxi arrived at the small airport. We were flying in private jets - however, it would only be the guys and their camera crew. The other friends would be flying out tomorrow, ready to surprise them in the day. 

I was met with a very grumpy looking Freya, who only muttered a small hello - not that surprising considering the time of day it currently was. We ventured over to the group of our friends, who were all stood around, dressed in layers of clothes to keep them warm. 

The security guys were also split up and around the group, and they were easy to spot. I recognised Harry's two guys straight away, standing a few feet away from the man himself. I still hadn't talked to him since New Year's, and especially not since finding out through Instagram that he was now dating Isabella. 

Kev seemed to recognise me even in the dark, and I could tell that he was walking towards me so I quickly explained to Freya I needed to sort something out. 

"Hi, Kev," I greet him, dropping my bag onto the floor. 

"Good morning, Lily. Just basically here to brief you, and let you know where we're going. We'll be staying in a hotel in Italy, and hopefully there won't be any problems, but if there are, I'm going to give you my number. If you aren't with security but you feel like we need to leave, call me. If I call you, it means we need to leave. But that if worst case scenario, so hopefully we won't get to that stage, okay?"

"Yeah, of course, that's absolutely fine," I agree, handing over my phone to Kev, who then typed in his number. 

"I'll leave you be for now - Damo and I will be on the plane, so I'll see you later," he says to me, giving me one of his rare smiles before walking off. 

I trot back to Freya, who's standing alone to the side of the guys, as they are already being filmed. 

"I feel like I should have a camera out," I laugh to Freya, who's nodding along in agreement. 

"Same, but I'm going for the logic that we only have to film them individually. I think Kon, Kirsty and James are doing whole group," she tells me, putting my mind at ease. 

"Guys!" Shouts Josh, catching everyone within earshot's attention. Freya and I decide to wander closer to the rest of the group so we can hear better. 

"Okay, so you all have a private jet each. It'll just be you, your camera crew, and your security. I will be travelling with JJ's group first. Any questions?" He asks, and no one says anything back. 

"Alright then. Harry, Lily, Kev, Damo, your plane is on the far right. Have a good trip," Josh says, and I realise it's my cue to leave. As I turn to say goodbye to Freya, I catch Harry's face drop from across the group. He clearly didn't know I was in his group. The face he pulled did make me feel a little upset, but it also was a little deserved.

"Goodbye," I whisper to Freya, quickly embracing her in a hug. 

"Have a good time! Message me all the pictures from wherever you go. I'll do the same!"

"Of course I will. See you in a couple of days," I tell her fondly, pulling away, and jogging to catch up with the rest of my group. I don't bother trying to match Harry's speed, and decide I'll start recording on the plane. 

Walking up the steps to the plane, I'm greeted by a cool breeze. It has a nice smell, and also looks very rich. I pull out my camera, recording a few bits of the plane, before panning to Harry who is currently getting settled down in his seat. He notices the camera, and starts smiling, to which I have to remind myself it's not to me - just for the camera. 

He's a better actor than I ever took him for, and I have to admit that I'm impressed. 

By the time we're taking off, the camera is off and there is total silence between everyone on board. Harry's seated by the window, Kev is on the rear end of the plane, and Damo seems to be taking a nap just across from myself. 

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