Six Days

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i read a book the other day on here that included instagram stories and i loved the concept sm so i'm gonna start doing them!!


"Well, it's the first I've heard of it," Harry says as we both get out of the car, arriving back at my apartment later that day. "But I agree. You're the obvious choice, and whoever nominated you had the right idea in mind," he says, reaching out for my hand as we walk back into my building, Harry's security loosely following behind us.

"If I was to take it, would us dating affect it? Like, would we have to disclose it or something? Cause I won't take the job if it jeopardises anything. No way am I risking this," I tell my boyfriend, walking through into the lift and waiting for it to move.

"No. It wouldn't. And I know I'm biased or whatever, but I do think you'd do a really good job. You're practically made for it. You love bossing people around, you're organised, all of the guys and the crew love you, you're friendly but firm, and most of all you're focused and dedicated. You are everything we need in a manager," he says, and his words sound so genuine that it strikes me.

"You really think all that?" I ask, pouting and resting my head on his shoulder, allowing his arm to drape around my own shoulders.

"Course I do. I've seen you in action. I know what you're like and it's all of that if not more."

"Keep up the flattery. It's working. You're buttering me up like a charm," I said sarcastically, but I really did appreciate the kind words. It was nice to hear that your hard work was noticed, but not even just that. It was even better to know it was appreciated. Because I truly had been working so hard, always doing my best, and now I knew that it had paid off.

"I really do wonder who nominated you, though. Because I knew nothing about it until just now," Harry spoke out loud as we exited the lift, walking towards my door.

"I would've thought Josh maybe, no?"

"Nah. Josh would've told me if he was thinking about doing that. The only other logical choice would be Simon, but I also feel like he would've spoken to me about it first. Oh's not important, anyway. What is important is that you deserve the job, and if you choose to take it you're technically my boss," he says, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Well, I mean, you guys are paying me. So technically you're my boss," I correct him.

"Yeah, but you organise all of our stuff, tell us what to do. Ultimately, you're in charge of the Sidemen. And the crew, and you oversee all the security too. The whole brand is basically in your hands if you become manager."

He was trying to explain the job role to me, but it suddenly sounded very overwhelming. For him, this was normal, but I was still trying to adapt to his way of life. It was only yesterday that I had properly introduced myself to the world, and I was still trying to manage my way around that. Becoming manager - if I was going to accept the job, that is - would increase my online persona even more.

"Lily? Have I lost you?" His voice rang through, and I just about managed to pull myself out of my thoughts.

"No. Still here. Just in my head a bit, sorry." I apologise, shaking my head as I fumbled to grab my keys out of my bag, unlocking the door to my apartment. "It's just a difficult decision to make. There's so much to consider, you know?"

He nods his head, bowing it a little, graciously. "That's understandable. And you said, what - you have until Sunday to decide, right?"

"Yeah, Kon said to either let him or Josh know by Sunday," I confirmed, chucking my bags onto the sofa, followed by myself. I was exhausted.

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