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Memories, Conan Gray

Okay I think some of you need a quick recap on 1. the last chapter and 2. who the hell Will is!

1. Last chapter we saw Lily and Harry talking about everything, and them basically agreeing to move out to Guernsey permanently. It left them deciding to go back to London to wrap everything up, and also visit a forest that was special to Lily, which is where they encountered...

2. Will. Will is the guy that Lily was considering going to prom with, back in school. He's the guy Harry never liked - because Will liked Lily. Fast forward four years, Lily and Harry meet in London again (the first few chapters). Here it is revealed that Will and Lily dated for a couple of years, but actually treated Lily like shit and ended up cheating on her, giving Lily a shit ton of trust issues and other mental health issues. She goes to therapy for it. Flash forward to now, it is the first time she's seen him since she dumped him! Hope this recap helped. 


He stopped abruptly, clearly as taken aback as we both were. I instantly stepped away from him, and at the same time Harry moved forward, his arm raised out towards me as if he was protecting me from him. 

"Lily, I'd like to extend my condolences, I was sorry to hear about your Nan passing away last -" he starts, but Harry moves towards him which shuts him up immediately. 

"Get the hell away from her. From us," Harry warns, taking my hand with his spare one, pulling me gently behind him. 

"I was talking to her. Not to you," Will continues, but I refuse to make eye contact with him. I'm not in the mood to deal with this today. Not as soon as things were finally beginning to get a little bit better.

"Well, she doesn't want to talk to you. So fuck off," Harry says, and I can hear the anger building in his voice. I don't like it. 

"Harry, let's just go home. Let's just go," I repeat, tugging on his arm slightly, catching his attention as he turns round, his face breaking from one full of anger to one full of empathy. He makes the slightest nod, before quick;y whipping his head back round. 

"Don't talk to either of us ever again. Fucking prick," he says, shoving his shoulder with his own as we walk back the way we'd just come, at a faster pace than previous. 

It wasn't until five or so minutes back along the path that Harry actually says something. 

"I'm sorry, if I got too angry. I just, I remember how much he hurt you and I saw red. I didn't want to cause a scene," he says, and I can't actually believe he's apologising right now. 

"Harry, why on earth are you apologising? I'm just glad you were able to do what I clearly wasn't. You know I would've said something if I didn't want you saying anything, right?"

I know, but it's just a difficult subject to bring up, isn't it?" He asks, and I nod my head. of course I agree. It's awkward for us both, especially when I went and dated him after knowing how much Harry disliked him. I didn't know what was going through my head back then, but then again, neither did I now. I was all over the place, it seemed. 

"I reckon, when we get back, we'll just have a super chill night. I'll order us some food, we can watch a film or something, and just stay in bed. 

"That's good with me," I reply, squeezing his hand as we walk back to my house. 

The encounter with Will had really shaken me up, and so had kickstarted us looking for flights back to London. We had only booked the flight there. Booking a return flight had seemed useless considering we had no idea how long it would take to sell the apartment, move all of our things back to Guernsey and everything else that came with moving to a different country. 

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