Kev's Detail Change

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Kon nodded his head. "I guess we better tell the boys, yeah?" He asked, standing to the side and gesturing for me to go on ahead.

"Yeah, we probably should," I agreed, walking towards the sound of absolute chaos that belonged to the boys. It wasn't long before I was pushing through the double doors, but for the first time as their manager.

"Everybody, your new manager, Lily Holt!" Kon shouted, and the room went silent immediately. But it only lingered for a few seconds and before I knew it, I had multiple people running towards me.

The first was Harry, and he just about managed to wrap his arms around me tightly before Freya came to the side, also hugging me to the best of her ability.

"You took the job!" I heard him say excitedly, pressing small kisses onto the side of my neck.

"Lily this is amazing!" Freya spoke proudly.

I then recognised Simon's voice from the other side of me, with him telling me how proud he was. And then JJ came, then Josh...pretty much everyone in the room had now come up to congratulate me.

Eventually, Harry broke off the hug, giving me a little more space to see everyone. My eyes darted over to my chair, that was now occupied by Jon.

"That chair still belongs to me," I say sarcastically, pretending to glare at Jon who did the same back.

""Just looking after it for you," he replies lightheartedly, and I throw him a small smile.

"Right! Let's get back to it, guys," Kon spoke, clapping his hands, and everyone started retreating back to whatever they were doing beforehand. It's just me and Kon left together again, which will hopefully give me a moment to catch my breath.

"So -"

"I know you're going to have a lot of questions. And I can't answer all of them, but Hannah, the old manager is in the dressing room upstairs. Go and talk her, she'll explain the job and answer any questions you have, OK?" He says, and hearing him say that makes me feel so much more confident.

"She's upstairs?"

"Yeah. Harry called her here. Knew you'd have a lot of questions," Kon tells me, but I find it weird.

"Harry didn't know what I was even going to say though?"

"I guess he knows you better than you think he does."

"I guess he does," I reply, glancing gratefully over at the boy who was busy talking with Josh and Ethan."I'll see you in a bit," I tell Kon, leaving the main studio and heading up the stairs towards the dressing rooms that are usually occupied by the boys.

It's easy to guess which room she's in, with Harry's door slightly ajar, different from the rest that are all firmly shut. I knock on the door, pushing it open a little more before seeing a figure sat on the chair in front of the mirror.

"Hannah?" I ask, and she turns around, jumping up from the chair to come and greet me.

"Hi! I think we've met briefly before - right? You're a runner, correct?" She asks, and she is in fact, wrong.

"Uh, no," I spoke awkwardly, clearing my throat. "I worked on secondary cameras," I explained to her.

"My bad. Things are hard to keep up with when you're running round after seventeen problems a day. You'll see soon enough!" She laughs, and I assume she's trying to make a joke but it's really not funny. "Anyway, I'm here to explain the job to you a little bit better, and if you have any questions at the end of it, ask away!"

I nod my head, sitting on the chair just across from hers as she once again regained her seat.

"So, the most important thing to remember is you represent the Sidemen, and their brand. All your social medias, your lifestyle...anything you do could damager or boost their reputation. So be careful with that," she explains. I don't think that'll be a problem - it's not like I'm the most outgoing person in the world.

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