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The next Monday at school comes quickly. Before I know it, it's practice time. Riko isn't able to join us today because she has to retake a test she missed for one of her classes.

I'm coaching all alone today.

Currently, the boys are all warming up. I make them do a lap around the court to get their muscles warm.

"Okay guys, do some high kicks to half court and back. After that, flamingos for fifteen seconds on each side."

"Yes ma'am." They all yell in unison.

While they follow my instructions, I look over our playbook again. I'm thinking about running a few of them and then doing a half court five versus five with the starters and bench people...maybe I'll make them condition to keep them in shape.

I'm not entirely sure how to coach a team...or much about basketball for that matter.

I look up from my playbook and see that most of the boys are done doing their flamingos.

"What's next, coach?" Kagami asked as he looks at me.

"Do some arm stretches and then I want everyone who's a starter to remove their shirts. We're gonna do skin versus shirts." I explain as I get off the bench and stand in front of my team.

They all stand there unsure of which arm stretch to do. I raise the whistle that's dangling around my neck to my lips and blow into it. It's loud sound echos off the gym walls.

"How about we run a lap until we decide, huh?" I state.

There's a few mutters but Junpei looks at me with a proud smile on his face. He lifts his glasses up and then takes off, nodding before running a lap.

I hear someone chuckle behind me. As they run past me, I hear them say 'you're cute when you're bossy' before they jog away.

My cheeks heat up once I see who's now jogging around the court.


Junpei and Taiga finish their lap first and they begin to take off their shirts. My eyes trail down Taiga's body but I'm pulled out of the trance when Junpei clears his throat. The rest of the team finishes their laps and then they're all on the court, I speak again.

"Alright, run box." I state.

The play gets executed perfectly. Since they've mastered that one, I make them do a more complicated play.

Junpei passes the ball to Taiga and he dribbles around his defender and easily scores.

Before I know it, it's time for practice to be over.

"Alright guys, good work today. Try to implement what we learned in todays practice into your future games."

"Alright." The team states in unison.

We all disperse and I walk to the bleachers and repack my bag.

Someone walks over to me and I glance up to see Kagami.

"Hey Taiga." I smile.

"Sup Doofus."

I smack my lips as I zip my bag up.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that Tiger."

"Didn't I tell you not to call me Tiger?" He questions as he leans forward towards me a bit.

I can feel my cheeks heating up as Kagami smirks down at me. We stare at each other, neither of us wanting to lose the unspoken staring contest.

Junpei walks over to us and stands between us. He pushes us away from each other and clears his throat.

"Y'all are too close, four feet apart at all times."

Kagami groans and I scoff.

"Seriously? I was about to beat him!"

"Never that." Kagami replies.

"Hey Hyuga! A newbie has a question for you!" Someone states. Junpei walks over to the person who called him, leaving me and Kagami by ourselves again.

"Wanna go get some food together? I'm starving."

I nod my head and grab my backpack and coaching stuff. Taiga grabs my backpack from me and carries it around his shoulder.

"You ready?" I ask. Taiga just nods. We walk to the cafeteria and walk towards the vending machines.

Taiga enters his money and gets some chips. He also gets (favorite snack) and a water. I reach in my pocket and grab some money.

"These are for you," Kagami states as he grabs my hand. He reaches for the money and pushes it towards me. "I've got you this time."

"Thanks Tiger!" I smile up at him. He smacks his lips and let's out a huff.

"No problem Doofus."

We walk back into the gym and Kagami's just said something that's made both of us laugh very hard. I'm doubled over laughing as I grip Kagami's arm to stop myself from falling over and Kagami let's out a chuckle.

When I finally stop laughing, not only is Junpei staring at us, but the whole team is.

"Calm down you two lovebirds!" Someone hollers.

"Cuties!" Another one yells.

I glance at Taiga and he makes eye contact with me before blushing and looking away.

"Since when are you two so close?!" Junpei yells as he waves his arms around.


Word Count: 842

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