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Before I know it, the weekend comes around and me, Junpei, and my dad are getting ready to head to the airport.

Rather than spending money on airport parking or an Uber, Kagami offered to take us to the airport. He figured it would be a good way to impress my dad, and a nice way to just help in general.

My bags are packed and I sit on my bed listing to music as I draw in my sketch pad.

My room door opens and I look up from my notepad.

"Hey, Pretty Girl."

"Hey Tiger."

Kagami sits next to me and looks over my shoulder at my drawing. His face scrunches up and he glances at me.

"That's a pretty drawing

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"That's a pretty drawing. What's it represent?

I shrug my shoulders.

"I just drew what I was feeling at the moment."

Kagami nods his head and glances at my bags.

"I'll be back, imma put your bags in my car."

I nod and continue my drawing. Kagami exits my room and grabs my bags on the way out.

My dad walks to my room and knocks on my doorframe.

"Just waiting on Kawaki then we'll head out."

I get off of my bed and put my sketchbook away.

"Alright." I say. "And Kagami's here already."

Junpei appears beside my dad.

"Dad how many times do we have to tell you?" He asked as he raises his glasses up. "His name is Kagami."

"Sorry, sorry, I keep forgetting." He apologizes. "Kagami. Kagami. Kagami."

Kagami walks back into the house and looks at my dad.

"Oh! Y-you must be Mr. Hyuga! Nice to formally meet you, Sir." Kagami holds out his hand and my father stares at him.

He eyes him looking up and down.

Kagami clears his throat and lowers his hand.

"You look like trouble, but I suppose you're alright in my book because you're here taking us to the airport, so, nice to meet you."

I look at my dad and then at Kagami. He looks genuinely confused, not sure if he should take what my fathers said as a compliment or insult.

"Let's go before we're late." Junpei says, breaking the silence.

We all walk to Kagami's car and while Junpei and my dad put their bags in the trunk, Kagami walks to the passenger side of his car and opens my door for me.

I get inside of his car and he makes sure I'm completely inside before shutting the door for me.

Soon after, we're off to the airport.

The drive there is silent. Junpei has headphones in, listening to some podcasts. Dad is silent, looking out the wondow, and I'm doing the same.

Taiga is just driving trying to suppress his road rage because he wants to impress my dad. I've told him he has nothing to worry about because everyone has road rage, but he still doesn't believe me.

After what feels like a century, we make it to the airport.

Kagami carries my bags for me and we walk through the airport until we find the gate we need.

My dad and Junpei weigh and tag our luggage and Kagami and I stand nearby.

"How're you feeling?" Kagami asked.

I glance at him and shrug my shoulders.

"Not ready..." I say.

I feel my eyes getting watery and Kagami sighs as he pulls me into his arms.

Kagami kisses my forehead and rubs my back soothingly.

He holds me for a few minutes before letting me go because Junpei and my dad are done with the baggage check.

We all walk to the gate and Junpei walks over to Kagami. They do their new secret handshake and then him and my dad leave me and Taiga alone to say goodbye to each other.

"I'll see you soon." I state. I blow Kagami a kiss and he catches it and places it near his heart.

"I miss you already." He says.

He opens his arms for a hug and I embrace him for a few moments. We share a quick kiss before the announcement person interrupts us.

"Flight 910 towards Los Angeles Airport departing soon." The voice states through the intercom.

I give Taiga one final squeeze before walking towards the plane entrance.

Alright mom, we're on our way.


Word Count: 715

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