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After playing a few more games, me and Kagami head home.

Junpei wants to make sure Riko gets home, so he is currently taking her home.

Me and Taiga walk inside of my house. I walk over to my bedroom and change my clothes. Taiga waits outside of my room for me. I open my door once I'm done changing Kagami comes in. He flops down onto my bed and he sighs as he closes his eyes.

"I'm exhausted." Taiga states.

"Yeah, me too." I say as I flop down beside him.

He turns onto his side and he's looking at me. He smiles at me and stares for a while.

"You're so pretty." He finally states. "Such a pretty girl..."

I blush and turn away from him.

"Stop!" I laugh.

"Stop what, being honest?"

I nod my head and Kagami pulls me closer to him.

He holds me close to him and kisses my head. He yawns again and my eyes flutter closed.

Kagami falls asleep a few seconds later and I drift off soon after.

I'm awaken from my nap by Kagami.

"Hey," he says, his voice raspy from just waking up. "My rides here and I've gotta wash my uniform, get ready for the game tomorrow."

I rub my eyes and nod my head as I sit  up.

"Give me a hug." I say as I open my arms.

Kagami leans down and hugs me tightly.

"See you later. Let me know when you make it home."

"I'll try." Kagami states. He grabs his bag and I walk him to the front door. I follow him out the door and he gets picked up in his car. I'm not sure who's driving, but it looks like a girl.

Instead of worrying about it too much, I put my trust in Kagami.

Kagami doesn't text me that he's made it home. Maybe it's because he forgot, maybe it's because he was with that mystery girl, or maybe he just forgot.

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

The next day I wake up early and get ready for school. I make little snack packs for the boys after their games today and then me and Junpei head to school.

"You ready for today?" Junpei asked.

I nod my head.

"I'm excited for the game, actually."

Junpei chuckles.


I shrug.

Soon after, we make it to school.

Junpei for some reason walks with me to my class. Along the way we spot Kagami.

He walks over to us and we both wave at him.

"Hey pretty girl." Kagami says as he walks up to us.

He places an arm around my shoulders and leaves a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey Tiger." I smile.

"Sup Junpei." Kagami states as he nods his head towards Junpei.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Junpei asked.

He's been acting weird all morning...


Kagami and Junpei walk away from me and whisper about something. I can't hear them, but Junpei looks back at me and then back at Kagami.

He nods his head and then they walk back over to me.

"Everything okay?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

They both nod.

"I've gotta go get to my class-!" Junpei gives me a quick hug and runs off.

Kagami places an arm over my shoulder and walks me to my class.

Junpei's been acting weird since this morning, and now Kagami is acting strange as well.

"Are ya sure everything's okay?"

"Yeah baby...I'll tell you about it later." Kagami states. He wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Why now no-?"

The rest of my day goes by slowly. It's been filled with thoughts about whatever it is Kagami's gotta tell me.


Word Count: 610

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