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6 months earlier

"I can't be, there's just no way." You mutter in complete disbelief, staring at the doctor as he washes his hands.

He chuckles lightly and shakes his head, amused by your dumbstruck expression. "For the third time today Y/n, you are pregnant." He leans back on the sink, and watches you, his eyes crinkling with a smile that tug up the edges of his fluffy, greying mustache. "I know it's a shock, considering..." he waves his hand openly, struggling to find the words to bring up the brutality you had faced five years ago. "...considering everything that happened, but this...this is good news."

"But-I... We...No-I" you babble stupidly, still unable to process the whole thing.

Pushing off the sink with a sigh, he crosses over to where you sit, with your mouth opening and closing dumbly, he pats your shoulder reassuringly and snaps you from your spiraling thoughts, forcing you to look at him.

"It seems like a miracle Mrs. Morgan, I must admit but there's no mistaking it, you are pregnant, and in about seven months you and Mr. Morgan will have another baby, so... congratulations."

Tears begin to well in your eyes as it finally begins to settle in that you were pregnant again.

The sudden onset nausea you'd been feeling, the aversion to smelling coffee in the morning, all the little signs had been there. You and Arthur had thought it was a fluke when you'd fallen pregnant the first time, since you'd never been careful or taken precautions, it had taken so long to happen. Then after the brutal birth of your daughter, Charlotte Beatrice, the doctor had warned that another baby was highly unlikely given the scarring, so again Arthur and you had continued carefree.

Your periods had never been regular since giving birth, another symptom your doctor had assured was a result of your experience, so when you found yourself not bleeding another month in a row, it hadn't phased you. In fact, the only reason you were currently sat in the office was because of Arthur's worrying.

"Now I must insist that you have the baby under my supervision given your history, and I think it's best we have the birth here, with my equipment near, but so far everything looks good, just take it easy and keep an eye out for any bleeding or pains."

He helps you from the table and hands over your jacket, frowning slightly when he realizes the coat was a man's hunting jacket; another of piece of Arthur's wardrobe you'd stolen. "I'd like to see you monthly up until the birth, but I'll travel to you, I don't want you riding. "

"But I rode here with Arthur?" you question, already beginning to feel panic for the fragile life growing inside of you.

"You'll be fine this one time." The doctor assures and guides you through the door, back through the gun shop, and out onto the street where Arthur waits, leaning casually against a hitching post. When he spots you, he instantly straightens, tipping his hat to the doctor and holding his hand out to help you step down onto the street.

"He give you anything?" Arthur asks, placing a kiss on your hair before helping you up into the saddle. As you settle in, he notices something is off and places a hand gently on your thigh. "Hey, you look a little pale, you still feeling sick? Should I fetch the doc back?"

Arthur had grown concerned when he'd found you throwing up in the stables that morning, after a short disagreement he insisted he ride you into town, leaving Abigail and John to watch over Tris. Knowing he wouldn't stop worrying until you relented you gave in, expecting to be dismissed as nothing more than an upset stomach and a few tonics.

"No, I'm fine. C-Can we just go home?" you hate how dismissive you sound and the frown that knits in Arthur's brows makes you feel even worse.

With a sigh Arthur swings himself onto the saddle, seating himself closely behind you, the warmth of his thighs against your legs. "Alright, let's get you back so you can rest."

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