A Nightmare Comes True

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Warnings: Threat of rape, heavy angst, violence, and blood.

"Arthur, who's that?"

Stood beside Mary's front door is a man a little younger than you all, his fists are clenched by his side, as he glares across the street at you all. Arthur follows your gaze squinting at the figure.

"I dunno." He guides you back and tucks Tris behind his leg curling his hand protectively around the back of her head. "But this ain't good."

"You might not know him, but he seems to know you." John steps close, his voice hushed.

Their recent blow-up appeared forgotten as the need to protect their families surfaced. An unspoken agreement sung between them; they would never allow a fight to interfere with keeping each other and their families safe.

"Jesus, he's coming this way, Arthur." his fingers flex over the stolen pistol in his holster.

"Wait, that's..." recognition floods Arthur's face, and before John can ask, he's striding across the street to meet the young man. "Jamie?" he opens his arms. "Jamie, son, it's good to see you. Listen, I need to talk to you, it's about your sis-God damn it!"

Arthur staggers back clutching his jaw, his face assaulted for the second time that night. He growls and shakes his head, glaring up at Jamie in confusion.

"What the hell was that for?" he growls.

Before the young man can answer he's set upon by your daughter. Side stepping your arm Tris sprints past her daddy, a tiny roar escaping her lips as she raises her fists and begins to pound into the man's shins, making him step back in confusion.

"You don't hurt my daddy!

Arthur straightens, still holding his jaw, and tips his head in surprise at his daughter's outburst. Despite the punch, he figures Jamie is safe enough and lets Tris continue her onslaught a little longer.

"Kid? You wanna explain what the hell that was for?" he gestures to his face "Cause my patience is wearing real thin tonight Jamie.

"Arthur, who is this?" you frown when you see Tris start on the man with her teeth.

You try to warm him, but your arm drops uselessly as she connects with his thigh, he doesn't see it coming, too distracted by his rage, and he lets out an almighty howl.

"Ow, Tris. Stop!" he cries holding her back, her arms swing widely in front of her.

Surprise hits you at this man's use of your daughter's nickname.

"Wh-who am I?" He turns to look you up and down in disgust." I-I should be asking who you are" he spits, grunting a little with the effort of holding back your feral daughter. "This one of your whores Arthur? Or just one of those camp women you all share?"

Before you can defend yourself, Arthur is on him, he pulls Tris behind him and grips the man's collar, lifting him slightly to meet his eyes.

"Listen here boy, I always cared about you, and I can even forgive you for hitting me, but you speak about my woman like that again and I won't hesitate to kill you. You understand me, Jamie?"

Jamie swallows and nods furiously.

So the man has some brains

You think, eyeing the murderous glare of your husband.

"Now I'm gonna ask this once and I better believe you're telling the truth. Think you can do that son?" Arthur's voice is low, the threat heavy in his words. When Jamie nods, he lowers him to his feet but keeps his grip, his fist crumpling the lapel of his jacket.

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