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Warnings: Smut.


"What do you mean they've been captured!?" you scream angrily waving the gun in the air.

You, Arthur, Uncle, and John had been working a small livestock rustling job just outside of Armadillo; but Uncle's 'reliable' intel of a small, easy to target group that would be passing through couldn't have been further from the truth, and the herd of sheep you'd all targeted turned out to be owned by non-other than the Leviticus Cornwall.

The sheep had been a hobby of his away from business, and it turned out his prized sheep had earned themselves quite the convoy of protection due to their owner's paranoia of outlaws -though admittedly he had been right about it this time.

The job had quickly gone sideways after a shotgun misfire (on Uncle's part) and a fall from a horse (John's fault), but you and Uncle had managed to flee into one of the empty barns on the other side of Armadillo, just liked you'd all planned to do when you'd finished the job.

John and Arthur were set to meet you both back here when the coast was clear but when they hadn't shown up after two hours you'd sent Uncle out to see if he could find out anything in the town; since he was the least recognizable member of your gang it was the safest option. You'd been starting to give up hope as the afternoon sun fell below the horizon, when suddenly Uncle came barreling in, out of breath and doubled over gasping, half wheezing to breathe and half laughing.

"Those idiots bragged to me that they'd never gotten caught on a rustle job before, they said..." he pauses to gasp for air, "...tha-that you'd have to be an idiot to get caught on one, a-and yet here 'old' Uncle is while they're getting carted into the sheriff's office. Oh god-!" he slaps his knee enthusiastically, "they're talking of hanging them in the morning." He clutches his side, unable to contain his laughter. "Oh god, we-we-we have to go watch it!"

You stare dumbfounded at the elderly man in fits of giggles before you. He'd just told you that John and Arthur, your close friend, and someone you had just spent an incredible night stargazing with, were going to be killed, and here he was, laughing as if he'd just heard the funniest joke.

"What the hell are we going to do!?"

"We could get snacks from the general store?" Uncle offers, lowering himself to the ground and wiping a tear from his eye. His laughter finally calmed, as he settles himself down on the wooden slats for the night.

"What're you doing? We have to help them!" You protest, raking your hands through your hair.

You couldn't believe Uncle wasn't taking this seriously, Arthur and John were going to be executed, and he was getting himself comfortable and suggesting snacks.

A look of realization crosses Uncle's face when he sees your growing concern. "Hey sweetie, they're going to be fine. Those boys have been in this situation more times than I can count. You'll get Morgan back in one piece don't worry."

He pats the wood beside himself encouraging you to sit down and you relent, tucking your knees under your chin your try to calm down, but your foot continues to tap nervously.

"How can you be so sure? What if they can't get out of it? What if they get hurt?" You begin to chew your nails, hating the thought of losing Arthur when you'd finally spent last night together after countless months of wanting from afar.

"Trust me." He knocks your shoulder with his comfortingly. "They always getaway, they learned from the best." He offers you a warm smile and you weakly offer one back, he turns to get comfortable, lowering his hat over his eyes.

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