A New Partner

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A/N: Thanks to the amazing work by gizmogurlie41786 this chapter is your first ever peek at our favourite little Morgan 😍

Nobody was in the breakfast room as Arthur came down, looking around he sees the table set for three. He takes a seat at the head of the table as Mary had instructed, he do to play the part in whatever fucked up charade was going on in her head.

He traces his finger along a scratch on the otherwise perfect table. Over a week ago he had laid you down on this very table, desperately asking Mary for your help. He'd been willing to do anything to keep you alive. He still was.

Mary smacks a newspaper down before him, jolting him from his thoughts.

"What's this?" He picks up the paper, unfolding it and turning it around.

She takes a seat beside him and nods at the maid to pour her tea. Arthur waits while she takes a sip before turning to him with a look of concern.

"Oh Arthur, isn't it awful? They caught John and Abigail and...the other one. You must be so relieved you decided to settle down and start a family, otherwise, you might have ended up there with them."

Arthur's eyes widen and he quickly flicks through the pages until he sees it. The announcement of your capture.


Three former members of the ruthless VAN DER LINDE gang were apprehended today. Members, responsible for numerous train and bank robberies, have been at large for many years with several members already rumored to be dead. JOHN MARSTON, responsible for countless killings was apprehended last night along with ABIGAIL ROBERTS, a known prostitute, and Y/N L/N, a thief who was previously believed to have been romantically linked to former gang member ARTHUR MORGAN who remains at large. Citizens with information surrounding members still at large can contact either the St Denis Police Department or the Pinkerton National Detective Agency.

The blood in his veins turns to ice at the image of your inked face staring back at him between John and Abigail. He grips the page tighter, crinkling the paper as he reads on.

The hanging of the notorious criminals is scheduled to take place Friday 14th, 2 pm at the gallows.

The date was only five days away.

"Mary?" he releases a shuddery breath.

He glances up at her over the newspaper and finds her sipping her tea quietly as if nothing was wrong.

"What the hell is this?"

"I know it's dreadful that they still tied you with her but don't worry." She smiles up at him over her teacup. "I'm not jealous or anything."

"Mary enough!" he slams down his fist and pushes up. Stalking over to her he shoves the paper down in front of her and jabs his finger to the page. "You said they wouldn't be hung if I went along with whatever the hell this is." He motions between them, unsure what to call it.

She looks up where he stands over her, seemingly unphased by her anger she continues to sip her tea. "Must be a misprint."

"I'm going to see her."

She slams down her cup and turns in her chair to face him. "Absolutely not."

"Mary I'm not asking."

She slides her chair back to stand and squares her shoulders, "Remember who holds the cards here. She's alive for now and if you want her to stay that way, you'll remember your place. I'm not joking this time, Arthur." She places her hands on his chest and sighs, "She's come between us for the last time, we're going to be happy finally."

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