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The night before...

The journey back to Valentine was quicker than expected and all too soon you were offloaded into the cell with Abigail and faced with a new set of bars to stare from.

"What am I supposed to do with that?"

The man you recognized as Tommy from the night in the bar jabs a finger at Alfie. Your face is pressed tightly against the bars, trying to get closer to your son who lies sleeping in the arms of an unknown woman.

"Not my problem." Micah grunts, thumbing through the stack of bills in his hand. Satisfied he shoves them in his jacket and waves his hand. "Can't you throw it in one of the cells or something?"

Your blood was boiling at the way they were talking about him like he was a thing to be dealt with and not a baby, not your child who was innocent and deserved non of this.

"Suppose I could see if the workhouse would take him. Bit young though, he wouldn't make them much." He nods over to Jack who hangs his head on the bench next to John in the cell. "The other one can face the judge."

"Don't care. Your problem." Micah huffs nodding at the woman to hand over the kid.

Reluctantly she steps forward, glancing between Micah and Alfie in her arms. Micah raises his brows threateningly and she rushes forward, shoving Alfie into Tommy's unexpecting hands and hurrying from the station. Tommy glares down at the bundle, and a tiny hand reaches up to him, grabbing at his jacket.

Micah signals for his men to start packing up. Pausing by your cell he pulls a mock frown that makes your blood boil, and you lunge through the cell trying to claw at his smug face.

"See you Friday sweetheart." He winks making sure he remains just out of your reach; his eyes rake up and down your body making you shrink back into the cell. "That rope necklace is gonna look real fine choking the life outta ya."

And with that, he leads his men away leaving you to settle into the hopelessness of your situation.

"Uh, Miss?"

You glare at Tommy who awkwardly holds your son in his arms.

"Workhouse won't send someone till morning now, what do I do if he gets hungry?"

"Please!" you beg, tugging at the bars as if they'd suddenly give way. "Let him stay with me, he's, my son. I can feed him."

You reach towards Alfie but quickly snatch your hand back as the guard's baton collides with your wrist causing you to squeal.

Tommy frowns at the guard but doesn't comment. "'fraid I can't do that miss. No kids in the cells."

Abigail scoffs from somewhere behind you "What's he then? A war vet?"

Tommy turns to look at Jack, who had his head resting on his dad's shoulders. Sitting on the wooden bench he looked too young and too small to be in this here.

"In the eyes of the law, the kid is old enough to face the judge." Tommy shrugs "He probably won't hang though so I wouldn't worry."

Abigail is beside you and reaching through the bars in seconds, "You touch him, and I'll kill ya! You hear me!?"

Her screeching wakes up Alfie and Tommy rolls his eyes, quickly handing over the bundle to one of the waiting guards.

"Put him in my office, I'll see if the misses can come help us out." He wipes a hand down his face, seeming put out. "God help us all if I disrupt her bath through" he shakes his head, making his way to the front desk and closing the doors behind him.

HIS II | Arthur Morgan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now