Moving On

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A/N: So after the last chapter, I appreciate you picking yourself up and dusting yourself off for more torture (just kidding) but seriously, thank you for sticking with it to make it to the last chapter.

Chapter warnings: Angst.

The panicked hum in the room grew.


"Oh my god!"


"Did she kill the kid?"

"What do we do!?"

But all Arthur could do was hear the beat of his own heart, pounding in his ears.

"Not again." He begs his mouth pressing to his daughter's hair. "Please no, not again, not her." His heart aches. "NO!" he yells, unable to hold it in any longer. "NO!"


He barely feels the hand that rests on his shoulder, his body was numb, except for the weight of Tris in his arms.

"Brother," John repeats, crouching beside him.

He reaches over and with a gentle hand, he tucks a stray curl back from Tris's forehead.

"John." You breathe, your eyes not leaving Tris. "John this can't be happening. What do we do?"

Staring at your tear and blood-streaked face he swallows thickly, unable to answer because he had no clue. He was as heartbroken and scared as you. But for once, he was expected to lead, to make the next move. To step up and take the helm for his brother.

"Brother, I'm sorry." That is all he manages, a tear slipping down his cheek.

Arthur lifts his head; his eyes are swollen and red. "John it happened again." He whispers sounding so small and fragile. "My daughter."

John nods and sniffs, unable to look at his brother any longer he turns his attention to Tris, "I know brother. I know." He reaches for her again, unable to help himself he takes her hand, his thumb swiping over the back "Always so brave kiddo. Stronger tha-." He pauses, his fingers resting against her wrist. "Arthur..." he presses firmer, making sure. "Arthur, she has a pulse!" he shoots up tugging his brother's arm.

"She's not-?" you cover your mouth, almost not daring to hope.

"She ain't dead, c'mon MOVE!" John bends to pull you up, "We gotta get her to a doc, now!"

Arthur's eyes are wide, the shock and panic racing through his head as he tries to catch up with the situation.

Tris is still alive.

He clutches her tighter, hope flaring in his chest.

There's still a chance.

Turning to the door he freezes as Micah's men block his way.

"Didn't you hear him!? Move you half-wits!"

Beside him you're much more frantic, "I'm begging you, she's just a child!" you step around him, and begin pounding on the nearest man's chest, but your exhausted blows barely cause him to flinch.

"Micah tell your men to stand down." Arthur grits through his teeth. "I'm begging you."

"Begging me?" Micah snickers, folding his arms against his chest and leaning back against the wall. "Well, I never thought I'd see the day cowpoke."

"Micah she's a child, my child! Is there any decency in you at all you God damned rat!?"

Micah pushes himself from the wall and saunters over. Snatching a pair of handcuffs from the guard's belt he smiles. "She's collateral. Plus, that one's still good." He nods over to Alfie who lays quietly in Jack's arms. "Though he'll be an orphan soon, so I don't fancy his chances of making it."

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