Dolor Venit

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Warnings: Angst. Panic Attacks. Arthur is a tool.

The streets of St Denis are never quiet, and tonight was no exception. A lively mix of night workers, drunks, and people you'd rather not know the business of, provide the perfect cover as the group of you make your way to Mary's, determined to put an end to the chaos.

It had to end soon. You were pleading with whatever god was out there.

Up ahead Abigail and John walk arm in arm with Jack sticking close to their side. Normally, whenever you ventured out as a family he'd trail behind, kicking rocks or playing with sticks but the recent separation now had him keeping within arms reach of his mother.

Beside you, Arthur carries Tris curled against his chest and sound asleep, her mouth slightly open with drool threatening to leak on his shirt.  To anyone passing by you appeared to be a normal family, returning home after a long day, weary and tired, no one would know you were marching to vengeance.

"She what!?" your feet fall to a stop, unable to believe what you were hearing from Arthur as he finishes catching you up on what had happened.

"Darlin'." he looks around and waves two fingers at a man passing by who throws you a cautious glance. "Will you keep it down?"

"Arthur, I'm going to kill her." You hiss but a little quieter. "She really thought she could step in and pretend my family was hers? That's delusional."

"I know. Trust me I know." The stress shows on his face as he nudges you forward. "But I ain't having you back behind those bars for her murder."

"Worth it." You mutter hugging Alfie a little closer.

Hearing Mary's deluded daydream makes you feel sick, and your head races with possessive thoughts.

"D-did you?" I mean did s-she make you...y'know do anything?" You stare ahead, too afraid to ask but needing to know how far Mary's insane role-playing game had gone.

Arthur swallows hard before he slowly nods. Your heart freezes but you swallow down the disgust, for his sake, the thought of Mary touching him made your blood boil with rage. He seems to collect himself for a moment, and knowing your husband he was beating himself up with guilt, bending down he presses a kiss to Tris's hair, soothing himself more than her.

"It was only a kiss." He answers finally and you manage to hold back the breath you were holding.

"It was only pretend mama. Like our games." Tris sighs groggily against Arthur, yawning when he brings a hand up to cup the back of her head.

"You're supposed to be asleep sweetheart, it's late," Arthur mutters.

Even during the most chaotic times of your life, you were still parents and small periods of 'normal' parenting would creep in.

Arthur catches your eye, waiting for a reaction. The man was loyal to a fault you knew that, and you would bet your life he wouldn't have done a thing had there not been another way. But that didn't mean it didn't still sting to think of his mouth pressing against his ex's.

"I know sweetheart." You offer your best smile, for her sake and Arthur's. "Your daddy is a good man."

"Mmhmm" She agrees already drifting back to sleep. "The bestest." She sighs.

You peer up at Arthur and find him watching you, the pain in his eyes was obvious.

"You heard her." You smile, "You're the bestest." You nudge his arm, and he leans over to press a kiss to your hair. The touch warms you and already the acidic sting of jealousy is melting away as you continue on side by side carrying your children.

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