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Warnings: Angst...and Abigail.

You were being punished for your past, you had to be.

"They'll be safe here until I can figure out what we're going to do."

Arthur had told you about Mary's proposition and while deep down you understood; your post-birth hormones, fatigue, and sickness didn't allow you to think rationally causing you to cry and protest, arguing with him until he had to carry you back to bed when your legs gave way and you collapsed into his chest.

"Please tell me you've considered everything?" you ask.

Silently he nods. Your eyes flutter shut and you lean back against the headboard as the last of your tears slip silently down your cheek. His thumb brushes over your knuckles, trying to calm you down. If Arthur said he had considered everything then you believed him, meaning this was your only hope.

"I promise you, we'll be back as soon as we can. Alife and Tris will barely notice we're gone, and they'll have Jack to look over them too." He brings your knuckles to his lips and you peel your eyes open.

"I'm so tired of running Arthur."

"I know sweetheart, I know. I promise this is the last time."

You'd both already spoken to Tris, explaining to her that mummy and daddy would be back as soon as possible and that she was to stay with Jack and Alfie. She'd taken it as expected, crying, and screaming until she tired herself out, Arthur, as he had with you, had had to carry her tiny form to bed.

Arthur had gone over every detail of Tris and Alfie's stay with you as you prepared to leave, packing whatever supplies you thought necessary into satchels Mary had provided; but you were barely able to focus as you packed the final items when John's muffled yells filter in from the next room.

"Abigail he's ten years old, he'll be fine! Do you have any idea what I was doing at ten!?"

"IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER!?" You hear Abigail screech, followed by the sound of something smashing against the wall.

"Watch it, woman! No! Put that down!"

You listen, hearing shattering glass followed by heavy footsteps and a slam. There was no question that Abigail was feeling exactly like you.

Helpless and heartbroken.

Arthur's heavy sigh drags your attention from your thoughts, turning you see him sit on the edge of the bed, his elbows propped on his knees and his head hung low.

In your own heartache, you had forgotten that this was hard for him too. That he too was feeling the strain of it all. Leaving behind his children was heart-breaking for both of you but it had been easy for you to forget that the last time he left his child he never saw him again.

 Leaving behind his children was heart-breaking for both of you but it had been easy for you to forget that the last time he left his child he never saw him again

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"This isn't the same Arthur." You place yourself between his legs, running your fingers through his hair gently. He leans into you, pulling you closer and resting his head against your chest. His arms circle your waist, holding you tight to him.

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