A New Plan

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The trio continues their ride back in silence, each too busy in their own heads to make conversation. Charles and John had sent the letter to Mary, outlining their location and the immediate need for whatever pill her doctor could spare. John hated relying on a woman he'd spent many years hating but so far, she had proven an ally. With Jack, Tris, and Alfie safely under her care, she had given him no reason to question her loyalty, but something, maybe her treatment of Arthur in the past, was bothering him.

All he could do was focus on helping his family in whatever way he could.

"So that thing you picked." John nods at Rains Fall's satchel. "It gonna fix her?"

Ever since regrouping with Charles and John, the man had held an expression as if he was lost in an unsettling thought and it was beginning to make John nervous.

"It's milkweed." Rains Fall clarifies, pulling out a bundle of pink flowers and handing one to John.

John raises a brow at the plant, unsure how a weed was supposed to help the situation, but he knew better than to question the matter. After all, he'd seen Charles create arrows that made men froth at the mouth and drop dead, all with a simple flower.

"I only have hope at this point. I've only seen this once before, but the circumstances were different."

John nods solemnly, his eyes catching the grave expression on Charles's face before he lowers his head, his mind began racing again in every direction.

What if you died?

He'd be losing one of his best friends.

And his brother?

Well, Arthur couldn't face any more heartbreak. He was sure if you succumbed to whatever mystery illness had befallen you, his brother would be lucky to survive, and John was certain that if Arthur did manage to keep going, he would not be the same man.

After Isaac's death John was terrified for Arthur, hell he was terrified of Arthur. If that version resurfaced his children would no longer recognize him and John wasn't going to rely on Tris and Alfie to maintain their father's humanity.

No, you had to survive. Everyone needed you.


The inside of the medical tent is warm and comfortable. The light from the lanterns flickers  delicately, casting shadows across the canvas roof that seemed to dance as Tiio moves around the tent.

Blinking the last of the sleep from your eyes you turn to see Arthur leaning back against a beam beside you, he snores lightly with one leg stretched out and his hat hung low.

"He sleeps like Charles," Tiio smirks kneeling beside you.

Taking your arm, she helps you sit up and hands you the latest concoction of medicine she's mixed together.

"I swear all the men from that gang do. They can sleep anywhe-eck!" you gag, spluttering into your hand at the bitterness of the liquid.

You scowl at the dregs of the liquid in the cup as if it had just offended you.

"I know I know." Tiio soothes, "It's just until my Uncle gets back."

Arthur stirs, your coughing pulling him from his nap, "What's going on?" he's up and rubbing your back in an instant.

You wave your hand as you catch your breath, and try to dismiss his worry with a light laugh, "Arthur relax, will you?" You roll your eyes when you see Arthur raise a brow at Tiio, he never believes your reassurance. The two of them share an exasperated look. "Seriously Arthur I feel much better." You beam at him.

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