A New Morgan

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Warnings: Cursing and birthing.

Arthur's body lay lifeless at your feet, his face beaten and bloodied. You try to crawl towards him but are yanked back by a laughing figure behind you clutches your hair tightly pinning you to their side. Somewhere in the distance, Tris calls for you, the urge to find her and save her is too much to bear but you're stuck, struggling against your captor desperately as they continue to laugh maniacally. Suddenly, Arthur's body disappears, and the room falls silent, you drop to your hands, the captor no longer holding you back and silence falls around you.

"H-hello?" you question, fear constricting your throat.

"You thought I'd let you live happily, after what you did!?" you freeze at the voice, recognizing it instantly "Now let's take care of the baby in your belly." You scream as Colm appears before you, a rusted knife clutched between his hand.

"NO!" you scream when he lunges forward, the knife disappearing into you and instantly soaking you in blood.

"Sweetheart, wake up!"

You flail desperately pushing away from the arms that grab you.


Snapping your eyes open you see Arthur pinning your shoulders down, his brow furrowed with concern.


Blinking rapidly to clear your eyes you look around, realizing you were in your room, the horrible scene had been just another night terror. Ever since Micah had returned, they'd started again dragging up old memories of the horrors from your past. Arthur had written to Mary and she had agreed to fund the money needed to pay off your bounties but with the condition that Arthur had to travel and collect the money personally. You hated the idea of her wanting to see him but you knew Arthur would never stray, his own protests at the matter had assured you of that, and so, it was decided that after the birth he would go collect the money from her in St Denis and head straight to the post office you clear your names.

"You're safe, it's not real. No one's gonna hurt you." Arthur soothes, leaning down and placing a gentle kiss to your forehead, his hand sliding protectively over your belly.

"Arthur, you were dead." You whimper, tugging him close and burying your face into his neck, he chuckles lightly, positioning you so that he can wrap his arms around you, tucking you against his warm, shirtless chest.

"You know how hard I am to kill." He jokes and you groan loudly.

"S'not funny." You sniffle.

"I know, I know. But look I'm fine, Tris's fine, our little man...or woman..." he strokes your belly, and you lean into his warm touch, enjoying the weight of his hand. "...is fine. Colm ain't here." He reassures, knowing exactly the dream you'd had, it had been the same dream the past week.

"He stabbed me this time, I was bleeding." You recount, "I could feel the blood it was gushing and -I." You pause frowning when you wipe your hand across your thighs to indicate where you were you had been 'bleeding'.


"Hm?" his nose, rubs soothingly across your temple.

"Arthur...I'm wet..."

"Right now?" he pulls back, eyebrow raised questioningly as he misunderstands your words.

"No, Arthur I'm wet. I think my water broke."


"Oh." You repeat.

"Shit!" he scrambles out of bed, jumping into his jeans and turning to you, his eyes wide with fear.

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