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*CCU West Parking Structure*

Hank, Alvin, and Ana found Hailey and Jay standing behind some red tape. The male Detective held it up for them as they passed by.

"One shot to the heart, no witnesses." The blonde reported.

"Tact, Patrol, SWAT swept the area. Shooter's in the wind." Jay added.

"Huh, talk to Campus Security." Hank ordered, turning to Alvin as the three best friends continued on their way. "Get surveillance."

"Yeah." Alvin nodded, splitting off from the two Sergeants.

"There's a lot of people here today. Somebody saw something." Ana pointed out as the two Voights approached Kevin and Antonio, who were standing by the body which was on the ground next to a car.

"Well, we know David Dixon and Chris Taylor got into a fist fight. It set this whole thing off. We can't find Dixon." The Detective informed.

"And I'm texting Ruzek now. He said he's still working undercover with that gang in Michigan." The Officer explained.

"Tell him to stay under." Ana instructed. "Maybe he'll get a lead on Dixon."

"Sergeants?" Kim called from behind the two as Kevin walked off. "I just talked to Brianna Woods. She may have seen something"

"Woods?" The brunette inquired. "As in-"

"Denny Woods." Hank nodded, watching his wife, carefully. "She's his daughter."

"I. . .think I'll go ahead and find Oli." Ana swallowed, walking off to do just that.

The older man watched her go in concern before heading over to where Brianna was standing in her boyfriend's arms.

*District 21: Bullpen*

"Chris Taylor was a point guard at CCU. Local kid from the Wild Hundreds." Antonio informed, walking over and taping his picture to the whiteboard just as Kim appeared at the top of the stairs. "Smart kid, too. He was pulling 3.5 as a Political Science major."

Hailey was seated at her desk and Jay was leaning back on it next to his partner. Ana was in her usual spot while Alvin was at his desk and Hank was sitting in Adam's chair for some odd reason.

"Any priors from the neighborhood?" The older man wondered.

"One. He got popped for a possession in high school, he did community service, he was clean after that." Antonio replied.

"Brianna said Chris was getting threats for Anthem protests." Jay spoke up.

"All right, well, check Campus Security, social media, see if any threats are credible." Hank ordered.

"The one person we know was blogging threats against black athletes was David Dixon." Hailey pointed out, standing up and walking over to the whiteboard with a file in hand. "Dixon's been on the FBI's radar for hate crimes. He got busted beating an immigrant in Indiana. Put him in the hospital with a skull fracture. Never went to trial because the victim got deported." She explained.

"Dixon and Chris got into a fight at the rally, and Dixon's still in the wind." Jay finished for his partner.

"Hey, is Adam still under with these guys?" Ana inquired.

"As far as we know." He nodded.

"Okay, I just finished with Campus Security. I got something." Kim called out, making everyone crowd around her desk. "This is a basic timeline of Chris' murder. It starts at 10:42. This is 10:47. And there's Dixon." She explained as the footage showed said man marching towards the rally with a bunch of his followers. "Now, this is a different camera ten minutes later. Two minutes after that. . ." The female Officer trailed off as an unknown male, presumably Dixon, was shown following their victim into the parking garage.

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