The Other Shoe

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Jensen was off doing night shooting when the other shoe finally dropped. I knew that he was still wary about the situation with Danneel and JJ despite the fact that everything seemed civil. I was lounging in Jared's trailer with him and Misha when it happened. Jared was telling me a story about pranking Misha back when he first started while Misha scrolled through news articles on his phone when the subject of Jared's story sat up straight and his impossibly blue eyes grew to the size of saucers.

"Oh crap."

"What?" Jared asked, stopping mid sentence to look over.

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap."

"Misha, what is it?" I questioned him, Jared and I growing more and more confused.

"Jensen can't see this."

"Jensen can't see what?"

After a brief moment of hesitation, Misha handed his phone to me. Jared moved so he was sitting beside me to read over my shoulder.


By: L. Marshall

'We sat down with actor Jensen Ackles' (Dean Winchester on CW show Supernatural) ex-wife Danneel Harris the other day and got the inside scoop on his relationship with fellow co-worker and girlfriend Scarlett Pearce (Faith Williams) and the real reason she was fired from her role on her previous CW show, The Originals.

'"She's a slut," Harris claims. "She was sleeping around with the producers of the show, and her coworkers found out about it. Naturally, they made a fuss, which led to her being fired." It is common knowledge that following her short time on The Originals, Pearce turned down every audition for nearly a year before finally agreeing to try out for the role of Faith Williams, Dean Winchester's love interest in Season 11 of Supernatural.

'Harris informed us that the only reason Pearce auditioned for the role was because she had a major crush on Ackles for years and had heard that the actor had recently gotten divorced. "She was feeling deprived and so she decided to throw herself at [him]... They're only together for the sex."

'When we asked Ms. Harris if there was anything else she could tell us about the relationship between Ackles and Pearce, she happily obliged.

'"I allowed them to spend a few hours with Jensen and my daughter, JJ, at a Supernatural convention a few months ago. JJ came back talking about how Scarlett was going to be her new mom and that they were trying to replace me. I'm just hoping we don't have to take the issue to court, because I would hate to lose custody of my precious baby."

'Harris had no further comments for us at this time, but we are left wondering why the couple has kept us in the dark about the truth of their relationship for this long, and if there will be a custody battle in the near future concerning the daughter of Ackles and Harris.'

I stared dumbfounded at the screen in my hand, mouth agape.

"Crap," Jared muttered beside me, having reached the end of the article as well.

"H-how did this happen?" I whispered. "Nobody knows about those rumors except... Shit."

Grabbing my own phone and returning Misha's to him, I stepped out of the trailer to make a phone call. I was really wishing I didn't have to talk to him again, but after what I'd just read, I had to ask him an important question. The phone rang four times before he picked up.


"Are you dating Danneel Harris?"

"Excuse me?"

"Are you dating Danneel Harris?"

"Scar, is that you?"

"Answer the damn question."

"What's it to you?"

"Damnit, Charles, this is important. Are you dating Danneel Harris? Yes or no?"

"Why do you care who I'm dating? We haven't talked in over a year, Scarlett."

"There was an article published about me that listed Danneel Harris as their source. She talked about how I supposedly slept around with the producers on The Originals. You and I both know you are the one who came up with that rumor, so I'm going to ask you one more time, and this time I expect a straight answer. Are. You. Dating. Danneel. Harris?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Either way, I'm glad and want to thank her. I've been wanting that information to get to the press since they fired you. It's about time everybody knew the truth about you."

"But it's not true! You made it up because I refused to sleep with you!"

"Listen, sugar, I'd love to keep chatting with you, but I'm really busy right now so I've gotta go. Maybe if things don't work out with you and that Ackles guy after he sees that article, we can talk about trying again. Bye, now."

There was a click and then silence as he hung up on me.


"Everything okay?"

I turned to see Jared and Misha standing there with worried expressions on their faces.

"I'm pretty sure the actor who started the rumor about me sleeping with the producers on The Originals is with Danneel and that's how she got that information, but he wouldn't directly confirm or deny anything."

"What are we going to tell Jensen?"

"Well, we have to tell him about the article."

They both looked like they were about to protest, but I cut them off.

"If we don't tell him, then when he does find out, and he will find out, he's just going to be even angrier that we tried to keep it from him."

"Do you want to do it on your own, or do want us there for support?"

I hesitated, considering the options. On the one hand, it might be better for me to address it with Jensen alone so that it would be easier to contain his reaction without him lashing out at more people. On the other, having Jared and Misha there might make it easier to tell him.

"I think I should tell him on my own, but, uh, could you guys stay on standby just in case? I really don't know what to expect with his reaction and if things go bad, I'd rather not deal with it by myself."

"Of course we can," Jared said as Misha nodded.

"Thanks... Can you send me that link, Mish?"


"Alrighty... Now we wait."

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