The Mall

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Spending a week and a half at the lake house was therapeutic. Not only did I get the chance to spend time with Jensen forgetting about the drama with Danneel and Charles, but I also got to spend girl time with Gen and Vicki while the men stayed at the house watching the kids.

"So, a little birdie mentioned you had a birthday coming up soon," Gen mentioned as we walked through the mall together.

"Got any big plans?" Vicki added.

"Alright, who do I have to murder for snitching?" 

"Don't worry about that. What do you want to do this year?" Gen dismissed me.

"Nothing. I don't celebrate my birthday. Now, who told you guys?" I demanded, folding my arms across my chest.

Gen and Vicki looked at each other and back at me.

"You're serious?" Vicki inquired. "You really don't want to do anything? Not even with Jensen?"

"I don't do birthdays. And I thought I was doing really well at keeping it under wraps, so who the hell snitched?"

"Scar, you have to do something for your birthday," Gen insisted. "Even if it's just privately with Jensen."

I scowled, surging ahead into another shop without answering. To be honest, I had considered doing something small with just Jensen for my birthday, even if we didn't do it to honor my birthday. Maybe go out to eat and take a walk in the park together before heading home. I didn't really care what it was as long as not a lot of attention was focused on me. I never liked my birthday. I had started to lose interest after my 21st, and then I got to spend it two years ago cleaning out my things after getting fired from The Originals.

This hadn't been an issue last year, because I had managed to keep it on the down low, plus I was still fairly new to the cast when it came around.

"Come on, Scarlett, nothing?" the other two women with me whined as they followed me through the store.

"I don't do birthdays. I don't like all the attention."

"But what if Jensen's the only one giving you attention? None of the others even have to be involved."

"Why do you keep bringing up Jensen?"

"He's your boyfriend. Don't you think he would like to help you celebrate your special day?"

I glanced back at Gen who wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh my God! NO!"

I could feel my cheeks heating up as it finally clicked what they were suggesting I do with Jensen to "celebrate".

"Oh, calm down, Scar, it doesn't have to be that big a deal. You guys have done it before, haven't you?"

"Nope. Not having this conversation with you guys," I mumbled, hurrying back out of the store.

"Gen's right, Scarlett," Vicki added, trailing behind me. "We could help you pick something out. Something both of you could enjoy."

"Stop. Talking," I said through gritted teeth, not slowing my pace.

"At least think about it," Gen continued.


I halted in my step, staring wide eyed at a table in the food court we were passing.

"Scar?" Gen asked, sounding confused.

I couldn't tear my gaze away from the table, and from the gasp to my right, the other two had just spotted what I had seen. Danneel was sitting there, a wide smile on her face as she sipped a drink and laughed at whatever her companion had just said to her. It was her companion that had me rooted in place, however. I would recognize him anywhere. Charles Michael Davis, the man who had singlehandedly gotten me fired and ruined my life with one rumor.

"The hell is she doing here?" Gen sounded angry.

"Scar, let's go," Vicki said softly, grabbing my hand.

She dragged me forward, forcing me to keep moving past the food court. Gen followed close by, never taking her eyes off the table for a second. I also couldn't seem to stop staring as we walked, grateful for Vicki's guiding hand so I didn't make a complete fool of myself as we passed the table. Just as it seemed like we would be able to escape without a confrontation, Charles's voice called out to me.

"Scarlett Pearce, is that you?"

All three of us stopped in our tracks, slowly turning back to the table.

"Charles," I greeted coldly.

"Oh, that is so funny. Dee and I were just talking about you," Charles smirked, a beady glint in his eye.

"That so?"

"Yeah, I was just telling her about how she should file for full custody of JJ before you and that whore lover steal her away."

My fists clenched at my sides at his words, wanting to defend both Jensen and myself but finding myself at a loss for words. I hated that he had that effect on me. When I yelled at him over the phone, that was a rare occurrence that would never have happened if that conversation had happened in person. Somehow, any time Charles and I were face to face and he got that gleam in his eye, I could never seem to form the words to fight him. It was part of the reason why he had gotten away with spreading that rumor.

"Scarlett, let's go," Gen muttered, trying to pull me away with Vicki.

"What's the matter, sugar? Cat got your tongue?" Charles purred at me.

I bristled at his nickname for me.

"Don't talk about Jensen like that," I snarled, finally finding my voice. "He's a better man than you'll ever be."

"Oh, but he has to be a whore lover to be into you," he smirked. "Does he care you're just using him for sex?"

"I'm not. You know I'm not. You're the one who started that stupid rumor in the first place, Charles."

"You mean the truth? It's a good thing Dee let the press know about that, isn't it? I mean, the fans deserve to know the truth about you and your slutty ways."

"I'm not a slut, you asshole. Just because I wouldn't let you into my pants doesn't give you the right-"

"You think this is still about you not sleeping with me?" Charles scoffed. "Oh, sugar, you've got another thing coming."

Once again, my words caught in my throat as I worked to process his words.

"E-excuse me?"

"You know my offer still stands. Just give me a call when it happens, and I'm sure we can work out an arrangement."

I swallowed hard as Vicki and Gen tried to pull me away again.

"Go to hell," I spat.

"Dee and I were just about to leave. Call me, sugar."

He and Danneel stood, and he slung an arm around her shoulders as they walked away, leaving me standing there fuming as my friends tugged on my arms.

"Scarlett, come on," Gen urged me.

Slowly turning to face them, I allowed them to lead me deeper into the mall.

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