Break Up

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I finished getting my food and sat down at a table in the meal tent. Right when I was about to take my first bite, my phone rang in my pocket. Sighing, I put down my fork and pulled it out, not bothering to check the caller ID before answering.


"Has he really not dumped your whore ass yet?"

"How'd you get this number?"

"How do you think?"

"I'm hanging up now, Danneel."

"See, I don't think you are, because if you intended to hang up on me you would have done it as soon as you realized it was me calling."

I swallowed, not wanting to admit she was right, but also unable to come up with a witty comeback.

"Alright, this is how it's going to go," Danneel continued when I still hadn't said anything. "Since Jensen clearly doesn't have the balls to do it himself, you are going to take the initiative and break up with him first."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because if you don't, I'm going to send the paperwork that I just finished in and Jensen will lose all rights to JJ."

My heart dropped in my chest. On the one hand, I didn't want to break Jensen's heart by breaking it off with him, but on the other, I didn't want to be the reason for him losing his daughter.

"You can't... He wouldn't..."

"What'll it be?"

"I love him, Danneel. I can't..."

"Break it off, or I will make sure he never sees JJ again."

"Please," I begged her, my voice breaking.

"Do we have a deal?" Danneel inquired.

"It'll crush him!"

"He'll get over it. Especially since he'll be able to spend time with his daughter again once you do."

Tears were flowing freely down my cheeks and I closed my eyes, unable to form a response.


"F-fine," I choked out.

"Perfect. I'm glad we could reach a little agreement."

There was a click as she hung up on me. I stayed frozen in place, my phone still held to my ear as I sobbed.

"So, then I said... Scarlett? What's wrong?"

Jensen stopped whatever story he had been telling mid sentence as he spotted me. Behind him, Sam and Jared were staring at me worriedly.

"C-can we talk? Alone?" I asked him.

"Yeah, of course."

I forced myself to my feet, heading out of the tent so we wouldn't have to talk in front of an audience. Jensen followed me, his expression contorted in worry.

"Scar, what's going on?"

"I... I don't..."

"Come here."

Jensen pulled me in to his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around me while I drenched his shirt in my tears.

"Babe, what's wrong?" he asked gently.

"I... I think we should break up..."

I felt him stiffen against me, but he didn't pull back.


"I c-can't do this anymore, J-Jensen. I w-want to break up."

I felt my throat tighten around the lie, but forced myself to get it out anyway. The thought of him losing JJ if I didn't made me push to get it done.


Jensen's tone was hard and it broke my heart even more to hear it.

"I d-don't... I c-can't..."

"What happened to being in this together?"

"I- I'm s-sorry..."

Jensen pulled away then, expression matching his tone.

"I'm sure," he bit out.

"Jay-" I started.

"I'll see you around, Scarlett."

He turned on his heel, heading back into the tent without looking back. I put a hand over my mouth, continuing to cry as I pulled out my phone. I began to make my way to my trailer as I redialed the last number that had called me.

"Yes?" Danneel answered after the second ring.

"I-It's done."

"Great. You made the right decision, you'll see."

"Just make sure you hold up your end," I said.

"Of course. I'll let him know he can spend time with JJ like normal now."

Again, she hung up on me without letting me respond. As soon as I entered my trailer, I locked the door and sank to my knees. Through my tears, I scrolled through my contacts until I found another number and dialed. As soon as they picked up, I started talking without giving them a chance to get a word in.

"Jensen and I broke up. I still have to finish filming but I was wondering if I could come up and spend the weekend with you."


I laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling as I listened to the shower running in the en suite bathroom. Part of me knew this was a bad decision that I would regret later. I should have called Tom. He would have been the better choice. He had helped me work through my Dark Period before, and I'm sure he would have been more than happy to help me again. But I hadn't, because Tom couldn't give me the type of help I wanted. He would have been a good option if I just wanted to vent about it, but I didn't want to talk. I wanted to forget.

The shower shut off and I sat up against the headboard of the large bed, pulling the sheets up with me so I was covered as my companion came out in just a towel, skin and hair still wet from the shower.

"Can I ask you a question, sugar?" he asked as he headed over to the dresser to gather some clothes.

"I suppose," I replied.

"What changed your mind? Last I saw you, you were still pretty adamant to stay away from me."

"I needed to forget... and I didn't really feel like talking about it, so you seemed like my best bet," I admitted.

Charles smirked at me, the familiar glint in his eyes as he walked over to the bed.

"And?" he asked huskily.

"And I was right. You really helped."


He captured my lips with his own, kissing me roughly and I leaned into it, letting my mind go blank.

"Get cleaned up. I'll make us something to eat," he said when he pulled back.

"Okie dokie."

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